Arduino version of LMR "Start Here"

This is another attempt to build a "Start Here" clone. The photo is a prototype built with a reused mechanical & electrical platform.

I prefer Arduino for the brains because is open-source. Here I use an Arduino Nano for his small footprint but any other board can be used.

UPDATE (May 11th 2012):

Platform trimmed down, and wheels advanced.

Now the performance is better. The motors' batteries now are between them and then the wheels don't slip in the turns. The weight is better balanced.

I've had to adjust the program because now the angle of the turns was excessive.

UPDATE (May 5th 2012):

Worn gear replaced

Video added.

I'm thinking in another change in the platform: The robot is too long respect its width, and finds it difficult to turn. It has sharp corners that make it hook somewhere. I'm thinking in a round base with the wheels inside the perimeter.

UPDATE (April 15th 2012):

Remodeled platform:

I've substitued the large breadboard for two small ones, flipped the base with the motors and changed the battery positions.

Now the motors and the batteries are under the base and the circuit and sensor are above. The batteries and the servo are held with rubber bands.

bottom view

In the photo above you can see a 4 AA battery holder with only 3 batteries. I have problems with the number of batteries for the motors:  2 batteries give not enough voltage to turn the motors, but 4 batteries make the robot runs so fast that when the sensor detects that must stop, the robot almost crashes into walls. Three fully charged batteries are not bad but when depleted can hardly drag the robot.

I've to add flyback diodes to the outputs of the H-bridges to test if the motors stop immediately when the outputs of the bridges are at low level.

I started thinking about using four batteries, and with an analog input, measure the voltage provided in order to apply a PWM to reduce proportionally the voltage applied to the motors. But it's only one idea at the moment.

Another problem is that a worm gear has started to wear. I have to find a replacement part.

Reprogrammed sketch:

As I've commented in the first version, the wheels slip when start to rotate. Then I've added two small functions that performs a simple PWM to control the start of the motors in 10 steps for an adjustable period (variable "time"). The "AnalogWrite" standard function of Arduino can not be used because of the SN754410NE. The functions are soft_start_mono and soft_start_dual. At this time only soft_start_mono is used, specifically in turn_left and turn right.

Arduino code:

// Arduino Start Here LMR Version 2
// Antoni Ubieto

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo;  // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position
int distance_dangerous = 200; // 35 .. 40 cm
int distance_ahead;
int pinSensor = A0;
void setup()
  servo.attach(8);  // attaches the servo on pin 8 to the servo object
  servo.write(90);  // looks forward
  delay (200);      // waits servo turn
  // four H-bridge SN754410NE
  // always enabled -> 1,2EN & 3,4EN connected to high level
  // motor 1: pins 9 & 10 (outputs 1A i 2A)
  // motor 2: pins 11 & 12 (outputs 3A i 4A)
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
//  Serial.begin(9600);

void soft_start_mono(int time, int pin)
  int t = time/100;
  for (int s = 1; s < 11; s++)
    digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);

void soft_start_dual(int time, int pin1, int pin2)
  int t = time/100;
  for (int s = 1; s < 11; s++)
    digitalWrite(pin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(pin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pin2, HIGH);

void robot_stop()
//  Serial.println("STOP");
  // motor 1 stop
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  // motor 2 stop
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

void robot_forward()
//  Serial.println("FORWARD");  
  // motor 1
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  // motor 2
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

void turn_left()
//  Serial.println("LEFT");  
  // motor 1 stop
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  //motor 2 forward
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);
//  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
  soft_start_mono(800, 11);
//  delay (600);  //adjust!!!!
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);  

void turn_right()
//  Serial.println("RIGHT");  
  //motor 2 stop
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);
  // motor 1 forward
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
//  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  soft_start_mono(800, 9);
//  delay (600); //adjust!!!!
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);  

int distance_left()
  servo.write(20);  // from 90º to 20º:looks to the left
  delay (200);
  int dist_left = analogRead(pinSensor); //note the distance
  servo.write(90); //back to 90º
  delay (200);
  return dist_left;

int distance_right()
  servo.write(160); // from 90º to 160º:looks to the right
  delay (200);
  int dist_right = analogRead (pinSensor); //note the distance
  servo.write(90); // back to 90º
  delay (200);
  return dist_right;

void loop()
  distance_ahead = analogRead (pinSensor);
//  Serial.println("distance ahead");
//  Serial.println(distance_ahead);
//  delay (1000);
  if (distance_ahead > distance_dangerous)
    if (distance_right() > distance_left()) turn_left(); else turn_right();
  else robot_forward();



first version

A SN754410NE (quadruple half-H driver) is used to drive the two wheels' motors. It can drive currents of 1A maximum, but I measured the stall current of these motors and is over 2A at 4V (stabilised power supply). The IC is thermally protected, and I expect that the internal resistance of the four AA rechargeable NiMH batteries helps to survive the chip. The starting torque is impressive, the rubber wheels slip when starting. I'll seriously consider using PWM.

Below you can see the connections in the Fritzing Breadboard view (zip compressed file):

And here the Arduino code:


- The Shap sensor output a bigger voltage when distance is lesser.

- The angle of rotation at right and left is not controlled. In practice it may be adjusted changing the delay in functions turn_left() and turn_right().

- There are some debugging points commented out, which prints information in the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor. They are useful when you want to test the direction of rotation of the motors in the different functions, with the wheels rotating in the air.


// Arduino Start Here LMR Version 1
// Antoni Ubieto

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo;  // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 90;    // variable to store the servo position
int distance_dangerous = 150; // about 50cm
int distance_ahead;
int pinSensor = A0;

void setup()
  servo.attach(8);  // attaches the servo on pin 8 to the servo object
  // quadruple half-H bridge SN754410NE
  // always enabled -> 1,2EN & 3,4EN connected to high level
  // motor 1: pins 9 & 10 (outputs 1A i 2A)
  // motor 2: pins 11 & 12 (outputs 3A i 4A)
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
//  Serial.begin(9600);

void robot_stop()
//  Serial.println("STOP");
  // motor 1 stop
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  // motor 2 stop
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

void robot_forward()
//  Serial.println("FORWARD"); 
  // motor 1 forward
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  // motor 2 forward
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);

void turn_left()
//  Serial.println("LEFT"); 
  // motor 1 stop
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  // motor 2 forward
  digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);
  delay (600);  //adjust!!!!
  // motor 2 stop
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW); 

void turn_right()
//  Serial.println("RIGHT"); 
  // motor 1 forward
  digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW);
  // motor 2 stop
  digitalWrite(11, LOW);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);
  delay (600); //adjust!!!!
  // motor 1 stop
  digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  digitalWrite(10, LOW); 

int distance_left()
  servo.write(20);  // from 90º to 20º:looks to the left
  delay (200);
  int dist_left = analogRead(pinSensor); // note the distance
  servo.write(90); //back to 90º
  delay (200);
  return dist_left;

int distance_right()
  servo.write(160); // from 90º to 160º:looks to the right
  delay (200);
  int dist_right = analogRead (pinSensor); // note the distance
  servo.write(90); // back to 90º
  delay (200);
  return dist_right;

void loop()
  servo.write(90);   // looks forward
  delay (200);
  distance_ahead = analogRead (pinSensor);
//  Serial.println("distance ahead");
//  Serial.println(distance_ahead);
//  delay (1000);
  if (distance_ahead > distance_dangerous) // bigger distance lesser output from sensor!!!
    if (distance_right() > distance_left()) turn_left(); else turn_right();
  else robot_forward();


Navigate around via infrared distance sensor

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x worm screw gear motors
  • CPU: atmega168
  • Power source: 1x 9V for microcontroller and 3 x AA for motors
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2Y0A21 F IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice! Video please!

Nice! Video please!

One suggestion after scanning your code.

make variable names for the pins you are using for your motor driver and place those declarations at the beginning of your code as you have with your pos, danger_distance, etc… It will make it easier for you to change things at a later date, if you needed to.

Tank you.I’ll post a video

Tank you.

I’ll post a video when the robot has a better performance and no longer get so close to walls and can rotate enough.

Tanks for the

Tanks for the suggestion.

Possibly in the next version.

I was looking through your code some more.

You commented that the motor driver couldn’t(?) handle PWM. Most people PWM the enable pin and then drive the motors with the two pins per motor as you have selected. Or, you could try following Dan M’s post about using a motor driver. The 293 is pin compatible with the 754410.

Motor driver’s enable inputs to apply PWM

Thank you birdmun.

You’re right. Using another output of the Arduino to control the power applied to the motors by means of the enable inputs of the SN754410 is possible.

But I’ve mistakenly said that the “AnalogWrite()” function can’t be used with the SN754410 (or L293D), it puts a changing digital value (high or low) to the output, not an intermediate value betwen 0 and 5 V.

I’ve to reprogram and simplify all the code.

could you help me with your build

hi im in the process of building your bot. I only have the hcsr04 sensor how could i use that instead of what your using and would the code differ

Unfortunately I haven’t used any ultrasonic sensor

I’ve used an analog infrared distance sensor (Sharp GP2Y=A21 F) and the command to read the distance is as simple as:

int distance = analogRead(pinSensor);

because the output voltage of the sensor depends on the distance mesured.

If you use an ultrasonic distance sensor (hcrs04) the program has to measure the width of the digital echo pulse that the sensor outputs. Then, it’s easier to use some of the arduino Libraries you’ll find in (NewPing for exemple):