Arduino Quadruped Walking Robot

I saw that video years ago

I saw that video years ago when i had just got into robots then when you said something about it I thought oh my gosh I remember that! I’ve been whatching your videos and kattejuices videos and cant decide which leg design to go with so I thought i would try my own leg desing so far its just 2 pan tilt mechanisms with with lexan “hoofs” looks kinda like the first link you have about the dof leg design only the legs arent so stuby! by the way the controller kattejuice uses is indeed the picaxe 28x1. your right the arduino is way better than the picaxe Its just that i wouldnt know how to program even a blinky led!

posted the very start of my

posted the very start of my picruped ( quadruped ) yay!

That’s great that you are

That’s great that you are making your own leg design! Sounds interesting, lexan is a good choice of material I guess. Can’t wait to see the design! :slight_smile:

I didn’t know how to program things when I was 12, so don’t worry. :slight_smile: Start small and then build upon that. You’ll see that programming is just a way of thinking about how to solve problems with a computer, it really doesn’t matter which programming language you use, they’re all practically the same.


Do you have the servos already?

yah but the picaxe is super

yah but the picaxe is super easy to program and with only eight servos it should be a breeze! servos are still on hold if I can get my parents to take me to the hobby shop then i will have them soon enough but I will still have to wait for b-day money (life is hard as a kid especialy when you need cash!;))

right now all it is is a

right now all it is is a picaxe 28x1 a speaker and a switch that plays music

Hey congradulation for your

Hey congradulation for your robot my friend,I realy enjoyed watching your videos and reading your how to. Thanks for posting and sharing with us.

Also thanks to Dan M for is generousity and his future projects explanations. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:


ahem… a lil’ story of me a few moments ago:

…and there i was… browsing lots of projects since i havent been here in a while… and i see this!

im like, hey that kinda looks like the robot i made! :smiley:


i click it and scroll down to see if this guy has added some videos and more pictures. and he had! respect for that, also!

i start reading the text, but it seems like one big chunk of text that’ll hit me like a wall, so i just read it through fast. but while doing this… i see my “name”, Kattejuice, and im like… WOAh! :smiley: this guy’s having something about me.

I read the whole thing and i think its awesome! very nice control with the wii chuck and all :wink:

also: you just made my day! :smiley: awesome!

Hi Korel

Thank you for the compliments. I think sharing is cool! :slight_smile:

Thanks again! 

Hey Peter!

Thank you for making SC-QR-1 that inspired me to make this robot! I’m glad you like it. And also much thanks for showing the details on how you make those joints with nails in your youtube vid (how to make a gripper)… it was very helpful. I’m glad I made your day :), you made mine too with your comment! :D





Thanks again and hope to see more cool robots from you. 



Share Code?


very nice robot. The gait is great for a 2dof.
Any chance you might share your arduino code? I start a similar robot and need some inspiration :slight_smile:
