I'm using Ro-Bot-X's uservotino for my Venux robot. I recently had a problem where the sketch (program, for all you non-Arduino types) disappeared on me. The board would power up fine, but nothing would happen. Then I upload the sketch again and everthing is fine.
I thought it was an isolated incident, but it just happened again! Any thoughts on what would cause an Adruino to lose its mind?
EDIT: The issue turned out to be with the Brown Out Detection (BOD) settings on the Arduino bootloader. The BOD defined in the bootloader was disabled. When the power to the Arduino dips too low, it can wind up corrupting memory, including the stored code. The BOD feature tells the processor to reset if the power dips below a selectable threshold. Since my chip didn't have a BOD threshold set, I lost the program code.
To change the BOD setting, I'll need an ISP programmer, which I don't currently have. So I'll probably just live with this for now. Thanks for all the help figuring out what happened!