While developing routines for my rover, especially diagnostic routines to identify sensor errors or conflicts, I have been using the Serial.print() function. I've found it very useful over the past several months.
However, like all high level functions, it comes at a cost... timing...
I decided to see how much of a cost, and if there was anything I could do to reduce this cost.
Here are my results....
This is a typical diagnostic report for my distance ranging module.
There are four Sharp Infrared Distance Sensors (one on each of front/rear/left/right) and there are two MaxBotix Ultrasound modules on a servo 180 degrees from one another. In this example, these give me Frontleft, Front, FrontRight, RearRight, Rear, RearLeft.
Serial.print("StartTime with separate Serial.print statements = ");
Serial.print("Front: "); Serial.print(rangefront[midpoint]);
Serial.print(" Rear: "); Serial.print(rangerear[midpoint]);
Serial.print(" Left: "); Serial.print(rangeleft[midpoint]);
Serial.print(" Right: "); Serial.print(rangeright[midpoint]);
Serial.print(" Front Sonar: "); Serial.print(FrontSonar[midpoint]/58);
Serial.print(" Rear Sonar: "); Serial.print(RearSonar[midpoint]/58);
Serial.print("FrontLeft: "); Serial.print(FrontLeft);
Serial.print(" FrontRight: "); Serial.print(FrontRight);
Serial.print(" Front: "); Serial.print(Front);
Serial.print(" RearLeft: "); Serial.print(RearLeft);
Serial.print(" RearRight: "); Serial.print(RearRight);
Serial.print(" Rear: "); Serial.println(Rear);
Serial.print("EndTime with separate Serial.print statements = ");
On an 8Mhz Arduino Pro Mini, this snippit takes 17ms to generate and send this report.
But what if I used string concatenation, and only sent ONE string our Serial like this?
Serial.print("StartTime with one Serial.print statement and concat strings = ");
// Assemble the string first, then print it once.
response = ""; // Flush previous message.
response += " Front: "; response += rangefront[midpoint];
response += " Rear: "; response += rangerear[midpoint];
response += " Left: "; response += rangeleft[midpoint];
response += " Right: "; response += rangeright[midpoint];
response += " Front Sonar: "; response += FrontSonar[midpoint]/58;
response += " Rear Sonar: "; response += RearSonar[midpoint]/58;
response += " FrontLeft: "; response += FrontLeft;
response += " FrontRight: "; response += FrontRight;
response += " Front: "; response += Front;
response += " RearLeft: "; response += RearLeft;
response += " RearRight: "; response += RearRight;
response += " Rear: "; response += Rear;
Serial.print("EndTime with one Serial.print statement and concat strings = ");
On an 8Mhz Arduino Pro Mini, this snippit only takes 6ms to generate and send this report.
And before you ask why I don't just serially concatenate in one statement... the Arduino IDE doesn't seem to support that, at least not for mixed data types.
Can I do any better? What if I reduces the TEXT portion to just comma separators, and only sent ONE string our Serial like this?
Serial.print("StartTime with no filler and concat strings = ");
// Assemble the string first, then print it once.
response = ""; // Flush previous message.
response += rangefront[midpoint]; response += ", ";
response += rangerear[midpoint]; response += ", ";
response += rangeleft[midpoint]; response += ", ";
response += rangeright[midpoint]; response += ", ";
response += FrontSonar[midpoint]/58; response += ", ";
response += RearSonar[midpoint]/58; response += ", ";
response += FrontLeft; response += ", ";
response += FrontRight; response += ", ";
response += Front; response += ", ";
response += RearLeft; response += ", ";
response += RearRight; response += ", ";
response += Rear;
Serial.print("EndTime with no filler and concat strings = ");
On an 8Mhz Arduino Pro Mini, this snippit now only takes between 3-4ms to generate and send this report.
This is a significant improvement, and reduces the overall impact diagnostics has on my loop timing....
Hope you find this helpful...