Arduino Arm

I am new to building robots and I decided to attempt a project that would be challenging, ultimately I decided this chellenge would best come from a robotic arm. The main design consists of two continuous rotation servos and two regular servos. The frame is made out of paint stir sticks and the base, 2x4's. Although I am proud of how I built the robot, the pride and joy of my design has to be the claw. I bent a peice of card stock to the desired shape and hot glued a spring from a pen to keep the two sides of the paper seperated. I then tied two peices of fishing line to opposite interior sides of the card stock, and fed the line through a hole to a continuous rotation servo--when the servo turns, the claw closes. This method proved simple but effective and the robot came out much better than I ever expected--the GUI works fantastic. If I am very patient and careful, I can even pick stuff up. But of course, there are always improvements to be made. I posted the code below and I would appreciate anyone looking at it and giving some suggestions for improvement. I am not familiar with most programming conventions but I am curious to learn.

Arduino Code:

Raspberry Pi Python Code:




Picks up small objects.

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos
  • Control method: Arduino UNO, semi-controlled. Raspberry PI runs GUI
  • CPU: Arduino, Raspberry Pi
  • Operating system: Raspbian Wheezy
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Arduino C, Python
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very Nice

I like it.  Keep having fun!

Very cool! I like the

Very cool!  I like the claw - very inventive.  Simple is always better.



Simple and good!

Hi lucbouchard010!

Congratulations for your robot!

I have to say it’s not as fancy as other arm robots but it works and must be cheap and fast to produce that are two very good points!

Some years ago I made a similar one with iron wires soldered and DC motors controlled by PWM and relays. Everything controlled by a ZX Spectrum +3 and a joystic! So my tip is: try to control it with a joystic instead of the screen buttons. Even the mouse and some keys could be enough :wink: Good robot and keep going!

Really Cool but I have a question

Hello! Everyone I am new at LMR

I want to make a robot that can be controlled by a couple of servos, actuator and sensors and voice recognisnition.I saw a couple of tuturials.

My question is that is it possible to use a Raspberry Pi for regonising sppech and Arduino to control a lots of hardwares i.e. electronics. Is this fusion possible. If yes than how ???

Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou