Arduino 5 Minute Tutorials: Lesson 7 - Accelerometers, Gyros, IMUs

i am using mg996r servo and mpu6050 gy521 sensor but servo not moving…!!
for servo i have used external power but still not working!! what should i do? is this because of high torque servo or programming???

@fahin Unfortunately the comments section of a blog is not the best place to troubleshoot issues. We suggest you create a new post on the RobotShop or Let’s Make Robots forum. Be sure to provide many details about the setup and code.

I am using aurdino 101 with zepher operating system.Both accelerometer and gyroscope are inbuild sensor,but when i am trying to run the sample sensor code of zepher,its not working.Can anyone help me to find the issue and make the code run.

@miranda Zephyr is unfortunately beyond the scope of this tutorial.

I am using arduino uno R3 model and an accelerator … And later I want that output from the accelerator to a GSM 900 module I have both of the source code but can u give an other code such that both of the two interfaces are within a code and such that I would get the output from accelerator to the gsm module?

Hi I wanted to connect a mma8451 acceleroneter with a arduino micro how do I do that Thank you

@Sid You mean an accelerometer? Unfortunately it’s not the objective of this article to help provide custom code, but one line would be reading the accelerometer values, another to convert them to serial, and a third to send that serial string via the GSM module. There should be some sample code for both the accelerometer and the GMS module - it’s a matter of learning how to program in Arduino and merging the two. There is no shortcut.

@Meseret The mma8451 communicates via I2C, so you need to connect GND to GND, Vin to 5V, and the SCL and SDA pins (The latest version of the Arduino Uno has all four pins broken out next to D13, the previous versions have these as specific analog pins).

Hi,i have a project and i would want to know if can i use a IMU for wearable device that detect if the waist of a person is moving in a range of angles of rotation ?

Hi, I am helping my son with a science project. Using sensors on his arms and bow we want to measure the angles and rotations of his various shots to compare. Is it possible to connect 5 mpu 6050 sensors to an arduino mega and record the various positions and angles? Thanks

@Joel Certainly.

@Durga Turaga Certainly.

Hello. I want to draw a path with using gyroscope+accelerometers. My mobile robot will move, i take the values from microcontroller and draw a path which robot went. Anyone can help? Thank you.

@Ekrem You would ideally need encoders. A gyro would not be very useful, and neither would an accelerometer, unless you wanted to compare values or use a filter. A digital compass would help.

Coleman Benson- First of all your are doing great job congrats for that, i want to calculate the position of a object which in-belted with acclerometer and gyroscope and magnetometer with more and more accuracy for example if have 10mx10m area, my robot are inside this site, now i want know the accurate position of my object (robot)
Note: if suppose the error may occurs, it should be less than 0.5cm. i’m looking for more accurate sensors acclerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer which available in resent days (2016)

@ARULPRASATH K The “most accurate” would not be hobby grade and be quite expensive. You essentially want the least “drift” possible. The best solution would be to place fixed sensors around the room and track the location of the object. Ex Indoor Navigation Systems:

Hello. Im failing to find gyroscope libraries on proteus. How can I represent and code a gyro on proteus for simulation

@kweli Unfortunately that is beyond the scope of this article.

sir,i am going to develop a wearable device,which should measure body moments and body positions.which sensor is best either accelerometer or gyroscope or both?which gives most accurate values??kindly mention that sensor specifications which suites for Arduino.
thanks in advance.

Hello Coleman ,
I would like to use IMU MTi G 710, integrated with GPS unit. I want to place this in a van with antenna on the top. Is there any particular technique to be followed for the placement (where to place) of IMU inside the van for correct measurement.