Ardu Big Trak with Autopilot

11/30/13 - Autopilot + RC

11/23/13 - Plays 'America The Beautiful'

09/25/13 - Radio Control with HK orange receiver

09/15/13 - Plays 5 notes from Close Encounter

09/13/13 - Blinks multi-color eys

09/10/13 - Brain surgery

1980 - Born in the MB family

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

30-year old Big Trak had a brain surgery

It has two brains now - one Arduino Uno and one mini driver from a defective Doodle Bot.

Looks like …

Looks like you have a way to go with this project. What are your goals?

My goal is to enhance the

My goal is to enhance the capability of this old friend by adding sensors so he can do new tricks.

nice robot !

nice robot !