Archer, an IK controlled biped

he looks very cool. great pictures.
cant wait to see the single leg mode working. very excited to see that.

it looks very cool standing like that. loving the project. :wink: 8)

yes the design from mine was taken using the T-Hex idea. :wink:
thanks for sharing your pictures… now we want a video!!! :laughing:

Thanks Jonny!
I did also update my blog with the same info + some more pics. I can’t say the pictures was that great, I took them in a hurry since it was so very late at night/evening, they are a bit under-exposed.

Yes i reguly check your blog. I even have a icon on my desktop for it. The icon is of the phoenix! Regarding the photos, i mean its always nice to see the work bench every now and then.

Looks great! Also sounds good that you can go 8 minutes without your servos getting hot.

Great work

Thanks Kurt, the 8 minutes was just an example, I’ve not taken the time for how long it can walk on one battery cycle though.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this for you before, but I do get a very strange and random bug know and then on Archer. Suddenly while walking all servos go totally mayhem and turn to an extreme position and the whole program freeze (I’ve to restart the board to make it work again). I’ve not done any debugging around it, but I’ve never experienced this with my other robots (using the BB2+SSC32 combo). So I’m wondering if anyone else with the ARC-32 has experienced this? It might be an overflow or something, not really sure though.

I do hope to shoot a workshop video soon, and I kinda hope that the bug will occur while shooting the video so that you can see what I mean.

The Atom Pro to SSC-32 is a safer method of controlling servos. Although an Atom program with errors could send an erroneous command to the SSC-32, it’s impossible to crash the SSC-32. I hope it’s something that can be nailed down and fixed!

Hi Zenta,

I used to get some random leg stuff, especially with my own C implementation :laughing: I have not seen my Arc32 phoenix do that in awhile. It would be good if you could figure out when/how it happens. What version of the IDE are you running? It would be great if we could find a case that happens. If so I could add some more debug support into the extras. May need to change that the debug terminal stuff only is called when the bot is not active. Instead maybe some debug commands could always be able to be called. Not much overhead to the loop anyway. I simply check to see if there iare any queued up characters on hserin 1. This morning changed my code to not use my assembly language code, but instead to use:
(hserinnext 0x81) and checking against -1… (Using new version).

I could then probably add some code to dump out information about Timerz (what hservo2 uses), plus information on where we are telling the legs to move to… Should probably change the main line code for #ifdef DEBUG_HSERVO and change the code to check the debuglevel mask for some bit, like 0x40. So we can then simply turn on the proper bit in the trace and see where it is trying to move to.



I love the new leg configuration. The full squat position could be used as the rest (home) position prior to powering down. I also hope that you will be able to pinpoint the bug.


Kurt: I’m using the version at the moment.
I made a new workshop video this evening for demonstrating some progress on Archer. Body Yaw Rotation, single leg mode and more walking. Also a short demo of a new gait pattern for Phoenix (Triple gait). I think I had Archer moving around for about 30 minutes but I didn’t get the bug this time, so its very random. Meaning that I didn’t get it on “tape”. :unamused:

Here is my 2. workshop video:

EDIT, thanks Mike. Jonny do also deserve some credit for giving me some ideas. :wink:

great video. good to see you have added rotation to the hip. single leg mode works well too. those brackets have made a big difference. well done.

Archer need some football training. lol
you have too many robots. that’s why the controller is confusing you. :wink:

the new 180º phase tripod (Triple) gait works very well. make the motions seem smoother and more natural. i like it. 8)

Will you be making your code available on the BAP28 as well as for the ARC32?

Again great video. We want more.

Very impressive!

Just one question: when you say in the video that you compensate the servos play, what method are you using? Is it a fixed offset determined experimentally, or have you implemented a model of the servo and an estimation of the load it would be at any given time to account dynamically for that ?

Anyway, great project!

Thanks guys! :smiley:

I do plan to share the code one time, its not very hard to make it work on a BAP28, I might do that too one time unless someone else will give it a try.

Its pretty basic, I’m using a constant of 5 deg added to the hip and ankle roll servos when standing on one leg. Nothing more fancy than that. :wink: I believe its a bit harder when using analog servos, the gear slope is the same as for digital servos (of course) but you’ve to deal with the fact that the analog servos struggle to hold the position under increased load too.

Great Video, looking forward to seeing more.

Let me know if you can reproduce the crashing problem in the newer Studio releases. If it doesn’t crash consistently I don’t see it being something in the backend, but code in the front end could trash backend variables. A buffer overflow could cause the servo registers to be overwritten with crazy values and go kaboom.

I’ve not tried the latest studio (>v2.0) yet, I’m also planning to try out Kurt’s latest XBee code. The bug I mentioned is very random. I had all my 4 robots (Archer, A-Pod, T-Hex and Phoenix) on an exhibition this weekend and the bug didn’t occur at all :unamused: . All robots was very popular on the exhibition, especially A-Pod and T-Hex. One of the kids that saw A-Pod started to cry when A-Pod suddenly started to run towards him… :laughing:

I’ll let you know when I’ve tested the latest studio version. Thanks!


I’ve not had time to work more with the Archer code. There is still some “cleaning” and tuning to do but the code work pretty good though. So I’ve decided to share the code. The code is based on Xan’s V2.0 code and Kurt’s ARC-32 code version.

The two parts I did spent some time to write and modify is the IK and the gait part.

This is the gait code:

;Gait selector
IF (GaitType = 0) THEN ;9 step Biped gait, Note: Half Walking cycle!
'GaitLegNr(cRightLeg) = 1
'GaitLegNr(cLeftLeg) = 8

'NrLiftedPos = 1
HalfLiftHeigth = 1
LiftedMiddlePos = 5	
TLDivFactor = 13
StepsInGait = 9
NomGaitSpeed = 60


;[GAIT Sequence]
;Check IF the Gait is in motion
GaitInMotion = ((ABS(TravelLengthX)>cTravelDeadZone) | (ABS(TravelLengthZ)>cTravelDeadZone) | (ABS(TravelRotationY)>cTravelDeadZone) )

;Don’t cycle the gait while not walking:
IF NOT Walking Then
GaitStep = 1 'Keep it to the first step until leg start walking again
;Decide what leg to set active before start walking after standing still:
IF TravelRotationY > cTravelDeadZone THEN ;The robot are commanded to walk and turn left
ActiveLeg = cRightLeg ; This means that the left leg are going to be lifted first
ELSEIF TravelRotationY < -cTravelDeadZone
ActiveLeg = cLeftLeg ; This means that the right leg are going to be lifted first
;Same method as for the TravelRotationY, but making sure that sidewalking has higher priority then TravelRotation by placing the code after:
IF TravelLengthX > cTravelDeadZone THEN ;The robot are commanded to sidewalk to the left
ActiveLeg = cRightLeg ; This means that the left leg are going to be lifted first
ELSEIF TravelLengthX < -cTravelDeadZone
ActiveLeg = cLeftLeg

;Calculate Gait sequence
LastLeg = 0
for LegIndex = 0 to 1 ; for all legs

if LegIndex = 1 then ; last leg
  LastLeg = 1 

GOSUB BipedGAIT [LegIndex] 

next ; next leg
;[BipedGAIT], Half walk Cycle !
; Note: The first and the last GaitStep are used for shifting COG (SC), both leg (feet) are also on ground and walking while SC
BipedGAIT [GaitCurrentLegNr]

;Clear values under the cTravelDeadZone
IF (GaitInMotion=0) THEN

;Prevent that the feet crashes into eachother while doing sidewalking:
;The robot are commanded to sidewalk to the right and the opposite leg (now the left leg) are the active leg:
IF (TravelLengthX > cMaxOppositeTravel) AND (ActiveLeg = cLeftLeg) THEN
TravelLengthX = cMaxOppositeTravel

ELSEIF (TravelLengthX < -cMaxOppositeTravel) AND (ActiveLeg = cRightLeg)
TravelLengthX = -cMaxOppositeTravel

IF ActiveLeg = GaitCurrentLegNr THEN 'Is this leg the active walking leg?
IF ((GaitStep = 1) or (GaitStep = 2)) THEN 'SC towards the active leg + Walk
'Shift COG routine here:
IF ActiveLeg = cRightLeg THEN
'Shift COG over to the right leg:
CogShifterAngle1 = -cSliderHalfMaxMinDeg * GaitStep
SCBodyPosX = -CogShifterAngle1/cSCBPX 'just for testing…
'Shift COG over to the left leg:
CogShifterAngle1 = cSliderHalfMaxMinDeg * GaitStep
SCBodyPosX = -CogShifterAngle1/cSCBPX 'just for testing…
'Call walk sub
GOSUB WalkInDirection [GaitCurrentLegNr]
ELSEIF ((GaitStep = StepsInGait) or (GaitStep = (StepsInGait-1))) 'SC towards the passive leg + Walk
'Shift COG routine here:
IF ActiveLeg = cRightLeg THEN
'Shift COG over to the left leg:
CogShifterAngle1 = -cSliderHalfMaxMinDeg * (StepsInGait - GaitStep + 1) ;GaitStep = (StepsInGait-1) => cSliderHalfMaxMinDeg*2
SCBodyPosX = -CogShifterAngle1/cSCBPX 'just for testing…
'Shift COG over to the right leg:
CogShifterAngle1 = cSliderHalfMaxMinDeg * (StepsInGait - GaitStep + 1)
SCBodyPosX = -CogShifterAngle1/cSCBPX 'just for testing…
'Call walk sub
GOSUB WalkInDirection [GaitCurrentLegNr]
ELSE ’ Walking only:
'Call walk sub
GOSUB WalkInDirection [GaitCurrentLegNr]

ELSE 'The current leg is not the active, its moving into the lifting state:
CompLiftToe = FALSE ; Reset
IF ((GaitStep = 1) or (GaitStep = 2) or (GaitStep = StepsInGait) or (GaitStep = (StepsInGait-1))) THEN
'Call walk sub only
GOSUB WalkInDirection [GaitCurrentLegNr]
GearSlopON = False 'don’t compensate
ELSE 'Lifting state, lift leg and move it towards the walking direction:
;At this moment the gait is not very universal…
GearSlopON = True 'compensate for gear slop / gear backlash
IF (GaitStep = (LiftedMiddlePos-2)) & GaitInMotion THEN
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthX/2
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight/(HalfLiftHeigth+1)
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthZ/2
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelRotationY/2

  ELSEIF (GaitStep = (LiftedMiddlePos-1)) & GaitInMotion
    GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthX/4
  	GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight
  	GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthZ/4
  	GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelRotationY/4
  	;Leg middle up position:
    ;Gait in motion					   					| Gait NOT in motion, return to home position:
  ELSEIF ((GaitInMotion & (GaitStep = LiftedMiddlePos)) | (NOT GaitInMotion & GaitStep=LiftedMiddlePos & ((ABS(GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr))>2) | (ABS(GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr))>2) | (ABS(GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr))>2))))
    GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
	GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight
	GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
	GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
  ELSEIF (GaitStep = (LiftedMiddlePos+1)) & GaitInMotion
    GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthX/4
  	GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight
  	GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthZ/4
  	GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelRotationY/4
  	IF TravelLengthZ <-cTravelDeadZone THEN 'Only comp while walking forward
  	  CompLiftToe = TRUE
  	;Leg front down position:
  ELSEIF (GaitStep = (LiftedMiddlePos+2))& (GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr)<0)
    GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthX/2
  	GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight/(HalfLiftHeigth+1)
  	GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthZ/2
  	GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelRotationY/2
  	IF TravelLengthZ <-cTravelDeadZone THEN
  	  CompLiftToe = TRUE


IF NOT Walking THEN 'this must be improved and integrated to the gait cycle better
CogShifterAngle1 = 0
SCBodyPosX = 0

;Advance to the next step
IF LastLeg THEN ;The last leg in this step
GaitStep = GaitStep+1
IF GaitStep>StepsInGait THEN
GaitStep = 1
IF ActiveLeg = cRightLeg THEN 'At the end of a half walkcycle toogle active leg
ActiveLeg = cLeftLeg
ActiveLeg = cRightLeg
#ifdef debugGait
if GaitCurrentLegNr = cLeftLeg then
hserout “Step#:”,dec GaitStep," WalkingState:", dec Walking," GaitInMotion:", dec GaitInMotion, " ActiveLeg (0=R):", dec ActiveLeg, " TLX:", sdec TravelLengthX,|
" GaitPosX:", sdec GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) , 13]


;[WalkInDirection] a part of the gait routine
WalkInDirection [GaitCurrentLegNr]
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) - (TravelLengthX/TLDivFactor)
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) - (TravelLengthZ/TLDivFactor)
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) - (TravelRotationY/TLDivFactor)

For adding the 6.DOF (HipYaw rotation) I’m doing a local rotation that compensate for the HipYaw servo. In the main loop I’m also calling the local Yaw rotation (GOSUB RotateLeg()):

[code];Do IK for all Right legs
LegIndex = cRightLeg
GOSUB BodyIK -LegPosX(LegIndex)+BodyPosX+SCBodyPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, |
LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
GaitRotY(LegIndex), LegIndex]

  GOSUB RotateLeg -LegPosX(LegIndex)+BodyPosX+SCBodyPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
  				 LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, GaitRotY(LegIndex)]
  GOSUB LegIK [LegPosX(LegIndex)-BodyPosX-SCBodyPosX+LegRotPosX+BodyIKPosX-(GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX), |
  				LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY-BodyIKPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
  				LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ-LegRotPosZ-BodyIKPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, LegIndex]    

;Do IK for all Left legs
LegIndex = cLeftLeg
GOSUB BodyIK [LegPosX(LegIndex)-BodyPosX-SCBodyPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, |
LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
GaitRotY(LegIndex), LegIndex]

  GOSUB RotateLeg [LegPosX(LegIndex)+BodyPosX+SCBodyPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
  				 LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, GaitRotY(LegIndex)]
  GOSUB LegIK [LegPosX(LegIndex)+BodyPosX+SCBodyPosX-LegRotPosX-BodyIKPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
  				LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY-BodyIKPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
  				LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ-LegRotPosZ-BodyIKPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, LegIndex] 


This is the local rotation and the modified IK part:

[code];[Local Leg Rotation] YAW rotate only, compensate for hip rotation
RotateLeg [PosX, PosZ, RotationY]

;Calculating totals from center of the body to the feet
CPR_X = PosX
CPR_Z = PosZ

;Successive global rotation matrix:
;Math shorts for rotation: Alfa (A) = Xrotate, Beta (B) = Zrotate, Gamma (G) = Yrotate
;Sinus Alfa = sinA, cosinus Alfa = cosA. and so on…

;First calculate sinus and cosinus for Y rotation:

GOSUB GetSinCos -BodyRotY1-(RotationY*c1DEC)]
SinA4 = Sin4
CosA4 = Cos4

;Calcualtion of rotation matrix:
;Y rotation only (Yaw)
;LegRotPosX = (CPR_X- (CPR_XCosA - CPR_ZSinA))
;LegRotPosZ = (CPR_Z- (CPR_XSinA + CPR_ZCosA))

LegRotPosX = (CPR_Xc2DEC - ( CPR_Xc2DECCosA4/c4DEC - CPR_Zc2DECSinA4/c4DEC))/c2DEC
LegRotPosZ = (CPR_Z
c2DEC - ( CPR_Xc2DECSinA4/c4DEC + CPR_Zc2DECCosA4/c4DEC))/c2DEC

;[LEG INVERSE KINEMATICS] Calculates the angles of the coxa, Femur and tibia for the given position of the feet
;IKFeetPosX - Input position of the Feet X
;IKFeetPosY - Input position of the Feet Y
;IKFeetPosZ - Input Position of the Feet Z
;IKSolution - Output true IF the solution is possible
;IKSolutionWarning - Output true IF the solution is NEARLY possible
;IKSolutionError - Output true IF the solution is NOT possible
;FemurAngle1 - Output Angle of Femur in degrees
;TibiaAngle1 - Output Angle of Tibia in degrees
;CoxaAngle1 - Output Angle of Coxa in degrees
LegIKLegNr var nib
cGearSlop con 50 'test value
cToeComp con 150
LegIK [IKFeetPosX, IKFeetPosY, IKFeetPosZ, LegIKLegNr]

;Calculate IKCoxaAngle and IKFeetPosXZ
GOSUB GetATan2 [IKFeetPosX, IKFeetPosY]
IF GearSlopON AND (LegIKLegNr = ActiveLeg) THEN
 	HipRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -((ATan4*180) / 3141) +900 + cGearSlop
	HipRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -((ATan4*180) / 3141) +900
IKFeetLocalPosY = (XYHyp2/c2DEC)-cHipVertLength

HipYawAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = BodyRotY1+(GaitRotY(LegIKLegNr)*c1DEC) ;
;Length between the Coxa and tars (foot)
;IKFeetPosXZ = XYhyp2/c2DEC

;Using GetAtan2 for solving IKA1 and IKSW
;IKA14 - Angle between SW line and the ground in radians
'GOSUB GetATan2 [IKFeetPosY, IKFeetPosXZ-cCoxaLength], IKA14
GOSUB GetArcTan2 [IKFeetPosZ, IKFeetLocalPosY], IKA14 'from felix float
'GOSUB GetATan2 [IKFeetPosZ, IKFeetLocalPosY], IKA14
;IKSW2 - Length between Femur axis and tars
'IKSW2 = XYhyp2
IKSW2 = SQR((((IKFeetPosZ)*(IKFeetPosZ))+(IKFeetLocalPosY*IKFeetLocalPosY))*c4DEC)

;IKA2 - Angle of the line S>W with respect to the Femur in radians
Temp1 = (((cFemurLength*cFemurLength) - (cTibiaLength*cTibiaLength))*c4DEC + (IKSW2*IKSW2))
Temp2 = ((2*cFemurlength)*c2DEC * IKSW2)
GOSUB GetArcCos [Temp1 / (Temp2/c4DEC) ], IKA24	

FemurAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -(IKA14 + IKA24) * 180 / 3141 + 900 -cFemurOffset

Temp1 = (((cFemurLength*cFemurLength) + (cTibiaLength*cTibiaLength))*c4DEC - (IKSW2*IKSW2))
Temp2 = (2*cFemurlength*cTibiaLength)
GOSUB GetArcCos [Temp1 / Temp2]

TibiaAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -(900-AngleRad4*180/3141)

IF (CompLiftToe AND NOT(LegIKLegNr = ActiveLeg)) THEN
  AnklePitchAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = FemurAngle1(LegIKLegNr) - TibiaAngle1(LegIKLegNr) -cAnklePitchOffset + cFemurOffset - BodyRotX1 - cToeComp/(1+SingelLegModeOn) ;Do half ToeComp in single leg mode
  'high cBattLED' visual debugging
  AnklePitchAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = FemurAngle1(LegIKLegNr) - TibiaAngle1(LegIKLegNr) -cAnklePitchOffset + cFemurOffset - BodyRotX1
  'low cBattLED
IF GearSlopON AND (LegIKLegNr = ActiveLeg) THEN
	IF LegIKLegNr = cRightLeg then
		AnkleRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -HipRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr)+ 2*cGearSlop - BodyRotZ1
		AnkleRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -HipRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr)+ 2*cGearSlop + BodyRotZ1
	IF LegIKLegNr = cRightLeg then
		AnkleRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -HipRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) - BodyRotZ1
		AnkleRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -HipRollAngle1(LegIKLegNr) + BodyRotZ1
;Set the Solution quality	
IF(IKSW2 < (cFemurLength+cTibiaLength-30)*c2DEC) THEN
	IKSolution = 1
	IF(IKSW2 < (cFemurLength+cTibiaLength)*c2DEC) THEN
		IKSolutionWarning = 1
		IKSolutionError = 1	


I’m sorry for the lack of comments and explanations. Its just that my brain is occupied with a lot of family stuff (we are waiting our 3. son in the beginning of December) and my current secret project involving 31 servos (12x5990 + 19x5645). But I do hope some of you find this stuff useful. :wink:
New 6DOF Biped.rar (49 KB)

Thank you for sharing

Nice work Zenta! I love your creations and the way you present your projects :slight_smile: Thank you for sharing!
To be honest, following this thread and reading about your creations is the main reason why I got hooked up into this :slight_smile: You make it look easy and and available for everyone… Or maybe is just me?

I like the idea of the COG shifter, the question will be: how reliable is in time (due to friction, cable movement, etc) and how practical will be on a rough terrain? Did you considered implementing this using something more like a tail (raptor)? Will compensate for front load (camera, sensors, battery, airguns, etc), will still achieve the main goal (COG shifting), will look cool :slight_smile: and on rough terrain may be easier as you will get more control on the COG position. Adding an IMU (gyro + accel) will provide the details you may need for terrain adaption…

Anyway, great work!

I’m getting alot of complie errors. They seem to be due to the changes in HSEROUT/HSERIN. Which version of basic stuido were you using?
I’ve able to get past most but this one


; need to process the OK for the +++ hserin 2, 20000, _GXHV_TO, [str _bTemp\10\13] ; first OK for +++ endif
I get it in this section of the code

Yep the Hserin format has changed a couple of times. Look a the current manual, that I believe comes with Build, otherwise download from Basic Micro site.

; need to process the OK for the +++ hserin 2, 20000, _GXHV_TO, [str _bTemp\10\13] ; first OK for +++ endif
Should be:

; need to process the OK for the +++ hserin 2, _GXHV_TO, 20000, [str _bTemp\10\13] ; first OK for +++ endif
This change I believe was needed as to fix when optional parameters were specified or not…
