Arc32 beginner

Cool, Thanks Kurt.
Is there a book for beginners that you would reccommend?
I only plan to work with the Arc32, Is there a book that would keep me in this general
Type of code?
I noticed the Arc can use Basic or C, which do you think would be the best or easiest to
I hate to ask so many questions that will drive everyone crazy, But that’s all I have right now.
I’m looking online for a site that may have a tutorial course that will teach me.

I just found your arc32 ps2 test.bas and tested my Arc.
I must have everything wired correctly and the program is working.
The Terminal window reports back as I use the Ps2 controller.

I have checked the other info you gave me, But it is more advanced than I.
Thank You for your Help.

How do you take this info from the code and use it to move servos?

I have search all over the web for tutorials or books on learning Basic.
Does anyone have a suggestion ?