Another Arduino Based Bot

Make your first robot is a fun thing. Forces you to use creativity to solve those small problems. But not everyone has the space, tools (simple as it may be) available or sufficient knowledge to make your first robot from scratch, it makes some people give up in the early days ... fair will then prevent them to have fun as we make our robots? NO.

So I decided to make something like a development platform, I would like to call it FUN plataform, in which these people could find motivation to take a first step and then mount their own robot.

With your help guys I intend to build a robot that meets the most need for a newbie!

Navigates around! It can be autonomous or not! Your choice!

  • Actuators / output devices: N20 small motors
  • Control method: non-autonomous, Semi-Controlled
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Operating system: no OS
  • Power source: 18650 Lipo Batteries
  • Programming language: C++
  • Target environment: indoors, desktop

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


I want to hear from you guys that already have a pololu 3PI or planning to buy one… what is your expectations!!