Another 2odf bicore photohead

hello,this is my recently is beam head.i like beam bots,they are kind of arts. i have made a simple one and a classic 2dof head.

photo head

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 gear motor
  • Control method: bicore
  • CPU: 74hc240
  • Power source: 3.7V Li Cell
  • Sensors / input devices: 4 ir
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


great! a tricore might be nice to make a humanoid! i’ve heard that mwt’s nito(robosapien’s prototype) started as a head.

“What’s a robot going to do? Steal your Visa card and go to the local radio shack for a party?”


               - Mark W. Tilden.  “Gomi no Sensei des”       _    _    ________________________
MFCF, Un. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. / \ / \ /)
519/885-1211 <[email protected]> //\ //\ // o

#include (standard.disclaimer); // _/ _/ (


I like your creations \o/

I like your creations \o/ What is this second motor doing, moving the head? Nice and clean build.

Please show us a video how it moves.

Nice legs

Are those aluminium? Where do you source it from?

the leg is bicycle wheels stick

the pic is all structure parts.i use rivet,for titanic 100years,this is my first try on rivet building.


Beautiful build!

Do you have any video of it in action?

added a 1dof head video

it is no perfect,can not lock the light source.the 2dof will do lock the light,video soon.

A bad video is better than

A bad video is better than no video :wink: I know some people would disagree but not everybody has a HD cam ;-) 

Great, i think the LED light makes the “eyes” confused that the head is spinning left-right.