Animatronic ED-209 replica

After some emailing and conference calls I just landed a deal and permission to build a miniature ED-209 as an animatronic prop for an advertising agency. Due to disclosure agreements, I can’t give much more detail as to the client or the nature of the production but I thought it would be an interesting project if anyone wanted to follow along.

So I’ll be putting the Giant Scout project on the backburner and instead focusing on this design. I figured I would share whatever pictures and video I could as I go.

I’m starting the CAD design now and figuring out what to use for motors/servos/actuators. I’ll likely use an SSC-32 and SEQ for control.

Should I run into programming problems, I would be willing to pay generously to sub out some help with it if someone qualified would be interested.

It is still being decided if the prop needs to actually walk or if it will be suspended/supported for mobility sequences.

I’ll post an update when I get something I can show you guys.


since you posted this project out here i would suggesting looking at the firgelli actuators. since its a prop and most likly being filmed for a commercial i would use the camera as an advatange. speed should be no problem since the film can always be speed up. you could use there slower more powerful actuators and let the editing guys speed it up to make it look its moving faster. then you have the power and the camera/film is the speed.

i think the design would look great since the model would be slimmer as youe wouldnt use servos. the use aluminum to make the parts. plastic vacumm molded parts for the shell and your done.


Looks like we are on the same track. I plan to use a combination of servos, linear actuators and gearmotors. I would like to say more as tot he use but I can’t. Film can be sped up but think less pre-recorded commercial and more along the lines of “live” interaction. It needs to be both visually appearing as well as functional within it’s design constraints. And the vac-forming table is ready to pump out some lightweight shells to cover the mechanics.

If it’s free walking it will likely be controlled via SEQ and an SSC-32. if it’s a supported but functional prop, it will be controlled via a telemetry suit worn by a person.

Now this is…something a bit different than the 209. not an exact replica but more of a “new version” so to speak. So exact physical replication isn’t necessary but you have to be able to look at it and know it looks like an ED-209.

The main mechanical problem comes with the structures design in itself. It must have been designed in a place without gravity because it would be impossible for ED-209 to ever walk the way he does. His weight never completely shifts onto one foot. And his joints mysteriously rotate in every direction like balljoints to accommodate his walking. And his Femur rising up and down replaces the need for a knee joint, which he does not have. Also, it appears his center of gravity would require an extremely heavy “nose” to keep it from falling over backwards.

I received some design drawings of the original prop and the mechanics are completely imaginative. This thing would never function in a physical world.

So I’m working on the creative aspects of making this one more mechanically plausible as well as similar looking to the original. The final design needs to be 19" tall.

i think you would run it to some issues with the suit. first unless the bot functions like a person it most likly wont walk properly. you could compesate in the software but that would end up talking time to fix problems that you could avoid to begin with. sure arms look like they would work but the legs are a mess. the knees are messed up opposite direction. proporations will be off that means you have a mess with alot of equations.

you should think about creating a custom board that suit your specific need it might be a little bit more work time wise but in the end will function more along the lines that you need this is just a guess since i dont know much about what your looking to do or what you exactly need.

its wierd how you posted this project since I just started working on a product that could work for what you lookin for. its for my company that i have prototypes that i wont say anything about on a forum… I am at the production phase and soon to realease as soon as i get the electronics down. mechanical is down after months of design and redesign. there will be generic platform that will use kinetic programs to control x amount of joints with extra features not neccesiraly for joints.

you could pm me id give an e-mail. id be willing to help with any mechanical design issues as this for some reason really interests me even without knowing whats going on.


If you have a fax I can send over an NDA and NON-Solicitation agreement for you to sign then we can talk some more. Sound like I might have some use for your product. I have 1 other animatronic project in the works and 2 more that are being discussed at the moment.

Interesting Project.

I am the one that helped Jim come up with the Lynx 209 design. I have this baby up and running. It has competed in walking robot races for a couple years now. Stands, walks, and turns around.

I have thought that I have sent Jim videos of it doing its thing. Can’t seem to find them. One of these days I will get my website updated with more info.

This would be a fun project to get involved with.


Last year when I built my scout, I used the 209 chassis and configured the legs just like the images on the site. I really liked the look of it but unfortunately I was using HS-475 servos and they just couldn’t support him properly. I’d love to see video of yours.

I’ve finished the leg design and spoke with the creative team again. We are not exactly replicating the ED-209 but more want that image. So people make the relation. The ED-209’s joints just simply don’t allow a walking replica to be make to scale.

This design will be very similar but with 5 DOF per leg. And it has been decided that is has to be free walking without support. So that complicates things a bit.

I’ll post a couple pics once it’s done. If have some input, I’m more than open to it. And I could possibly hire you to help with the walking sequences should I need it.

Hi Pete,

The videos are MOV, and I couldn’t even view them with my PC. I need to get them converted to mpg…

The “Super” utility should be able to convert them (it can do the ones that came out of my old phone).


Can’t wait to see Pete’s Lynx 209 walk… Jim, do you want to give mplayer a try? I use mplayer to play all my movies on my computer. Below is the link to mplayer:

all you need is the windows binary, then do an “open with” on the movie you want and point to the mplayer.exe to pass the movie file into the mplayer

I haven’t used windows media player since I discovered this player, which is over 6 years ago… :wink:

Why not just use Youtube? Anyone and everyone can watch videos using Youtube.

And Youtube supports MOV videos. I wish movie Maker did, than I could use my Digital camera for vidoes. :frowning:

isn’t .mov just quicktime format? you can download it for free from apple:

Yes, but Windows Movie Maker (for EDITING video) will not import it becuase it is not supported (legal issues between apple and Microsoft to my geuss).

Sorry about the thread-jack Evo :blush:

LOL no problem. It’s informative for everyone so no worries. I’m extremely tied up with distributing contracts and my advertising jobs so I don’t have time to post about this project right now anyways. :slight_smile:

And we’ll get back to the scorpion thread soon, just need some spare time.