Animatronic Bee

I was contacted by a local bee sanctuary of whom have been looking into the idea of adding some animatronics to their tour.
I have come to the idea of building an articulated honey bee that will move when a sensor is activated.
With its legs jointed 'and tarsus attached to the table i can get the bee to move its body using a device i designed last year called a bell crank shifter giving the illusion that the bee is standing.

The bell crank shifter will allow movement under the table to be transfured to a location above the table as shown.
its movements are forward/back and side to side.

Attached to the top of the shifter will be the articulated honey bee.

The bees legs have 3dof each allowing for them to move correctly when the body is shifting.

The tail (also articulated) will have a thin steel wire attaching it to the ground plan so that when the body moves it makes the tail stay at its own level. giving the illusion of IK.
Also there is a gimbal in the head to allow for movements there.

More updates to follow. as always. :wink:

Wings applied.
The body will be printed in white nylon so it can easily be dyed in particular areas, and the wings will be printed in UV cured acrylic polymer. its a very smooth and translucent material so that should work perfectly.

Full render.

Interesting project!

Fwd/Back, Up/Dn motion, along with wing flap?

Alan KM6VV

In the current design there is no wing flap but i have been looking at ideas.

will it fly ?
Amazing work as always …

im not Professor Keenbean,

Very nice,

I was wondering how you were going to approach this project.

in short…
CAD Design + 3D Sculpting concepts / 3D Print / Test / Fabricate / Fabricate a bit more … Done

Iv been looking into ways to get the fur look that bees have…

and so ill use the flocking process…

Love the design - it’s bee-rilliant. :mrgreen: :wink:

Very cool - as always!

I have a few other ideas for this project so i’d like to hear what opinions people think of this.
I plan to add a honeycomb base to add to the effect.

My ideas are to print a very basic model as shown, and then using a combination of hot glue and resins i plan to coat the honeycomb model so it looks more realistic. The resins will be opaque to clear with a golden tint. all also fill the hexagons with resin to give the appearance of honey.

I also present the whole thing on a tilted cube?

would be a nice addition.
very realistic.

It’s the Bees Knees!

Alan KM6VV

Are you going to use an electrostatic applicator for the flocking?

Yes I will. It’s a very simple process.

If you can, make a video of the process.
It’s a really interesting idea and I am sure it will do a nice finish… :slight_smile:

Time for an update… lol

Animatronic SLS printed honeybee ready for Painting, Eye Polishing, and Flocking.

SLS Printed honeycomb, reproduced in Urethane.

Total platform size is 11x9 inch’s.

Must have been interesting to model the bee in your CAD/CAM program!

Very nice!

Alan KM6VV