Android-controlled arduino robot

i'm attempting to create an arduino robot that is controlled by an android phone, either through bluetooth, or an autonomous android app. output from the android will pass through a simple motor controller. 

not sure yet on how this can be achieved, will do a lot more research.

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good luck

good luck with this project…best of luck with your research and i look foward to seeing the  finshed product :slight_smile:


good luck

good luck with this project…best of luck with your research and i look foward to seeing the  finshed product :slight_smile:


thank you :]

also need some help though.hehe

Its all quite doable

An Arduino Mega ADK can talk to an Android through a USB cable…take a look at SuperDroidBot here on LMR or on Youtube.  I’m sure there are several other robots on LMR doing it too.

It is really a fun way to go because so much is possible if you have the time to dedicate.

thank you.

thank you mtriplett…im taking my time a bit with this project. lots of things to do at hand.hehe

**thank you **

thank you vexxkid :]