Anbot - a vision based micro robot

Hello everyone!

I just joined LMR and sharing my current robot in progress, called Anbot. It's a vision based micro robot. Following is a bit of details.

The hardware will have:

  • Track based locomotion
  • Battery box (4x AAA)
  • SN754410 motor controller
  • PIC18F26K20 micro
  • MRF24J40MA Zigbee/wireless
  • JPEG camera

Offboard hardware will also include:

  • A Zigbee remote controller
  • A Zigbee Raspberry Pi gateway for connecting to home router

Features it will have:

  • Will be connected to home network and internet via the gateway
  • Can be controlled from the PC, Phone or iPad via internet. Camera can be turned on and off. Photo will be shown on PC/iPad.
  • Can send out JPEG image (VGA) continuously
  • Will have autonomous line following mode
  • Will have autonomous shape/direction following mode.

I'm maintaining this blog to show step by step progress:

I hope to make a good progress by this month. I appreciate your ideas, comments and suggestion.

Please let me know what do you think of this robot. Have a great time!


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great project man! And where

Great project man! And where did you get those awesome looking tracks?



Cool project, we need more

Cool project, we need more internet controlled robots :slight_smile:

What camera are you going to use?

Oh, welcome to LMR!!!


Nice bot! Where did you get the base?

Thanks! I took the base and

Thanks! I took the base and tracks from Deskpets Tankbot. Awesome indeed.

Many thanks! We need more

Many thanks! We need more connected and vision based robots indeed. I’m using the C328 camera module which has an Omnivision VGA sensor and Uart interface.

Thanks! I took the base and

Thanks! I took the base and tracks from Deskpets Tankbot.

Sorry for the font… tried

Sorry for the font… tried to copy my msg using phone… :slight_smile:

Ok, I see.Please also post

Ok, I see.

Please also post more details, closeups and of course the manantory video that we can see this little guy running.

You know about the video rules, do you? Ok here it is…every robot and especially these cute cool robots needs to come with a video. No video, no worshipping :wink:

Looks like a great project!!

Looks like a great project!! Keep the good work!

Thanks very much indeed!

Thanks very much indeed!

I can edit my previous

I can edit my previous comments but not this (large font) one… the site likes it so much :).

How about I setup a live

How about I setup a live streaming and let you control the robot (over the net)? :) Plenty of photos and videos are coming up! Thanks for the inspiration!

Yeah, that’s the

Yeah, that’s the spirit…give us some control :slight_smile: