This isn't my first robot, but it is the first one I'm posting on here. After reading through Tobi , I figured I should put this one on here. I really wish I had taken more pictures of the development process. The wife is sorting through the 236 pictures I have of it on my old phone right now. Yes, that is 236, not a typo. Some I can't post here because of the location I was taking them at, and still have standing non-disclosure agreements with that company.

No there are no typos in the cost, and time ... this is a STILL ongoing project, because someone said I couldn't do it EXACTLY how I was explaining. This has taken over 5 years, off and on, and switching things around a lot.

I'm going to be switching the controller again to the Parallax Propeller (8 processors can't be beat)

I'm mainly learning how to post on here, and I will DRASTICALLY clean this up soon


Autonomously follow "AM" by following the signal beacon in her necklace

  • CPU: 2x Parallax BS2, Innovation First EDU robot controller, Parallax Javelin
  • Operating system: Windows XP Pro, Fedora Core 9
  • Power source: 7.2V 1500mAh RC battery, 3x 12v gel pack
  • Programming language: Java, C, pbasic
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultrasonic, IR ranging, bump sensors, RF beacon
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor, rain or dry

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


more beefy robotics!

great start, hope to see more ‘metal heads’ on here :smiley:

Hey, can you post a wt on your am follower?

that would be sooo useful in my mark2.5 project