Aluminum Skull Chassis - A New Beginning

I’m wondering if my oven is hot enough. This epoxy I got from my work is used on circuit boards that go on drill bits for the oil industry. These boards undergo extreme torture such as shock, vibration, and high heat up to around 500degs or more. :open_mouth: :laughing:

We use high temp solder alloys such as SN96 and HMP solders.

ah yeah you are probably correct then if you used stuff from work a conventional oven likely isn’t hot enough. not sure what else would be common enough to be accessible, a pottery kiln maybe but how common are those these days. :unamused: :frowning:

I have one at my highscool, very intensifying heat!

I think I just might blow the dust off my speaking skull project and play around with it again; it’s been a while. I might even make a new video of it, just to show some of the newer members what I have done in the past.

Unfortunately, I still only have my cheap web cam so the video will still be poor.

If you’d like send me the demensions of the tubing and I will cut them for you.
As for the epoxy get a small pencil torch like the one from wally world or harbor freight, They are under 20. put the heat on the epoxy and when you see the epoxy no longer is shiny use a pick to pry/chisel off the epoxy.By constantly heating,cooling you will make the epoxy very brittle.
Unfortunately I think your ping will be toasted. Next time use a hot glue gun…lol

LOL! you’re right! I did think about using ruber cement but I wanted to make sure that I screwed my self, so I went with the industial stuff. :smiley:

The O.D. of the ping is 16.3mm so a thin walled tube say 1mm thick would work. I can’t rememebr the length off the top of my head though.

Here is the unassembled “skull” chassis. (old image)

I took 6 new photos of my Vecter BOT. I figure I would re-share my project with some of the newer members.

great job
i suck at that stuff :laughing:

How long do you want the tubes? I could sendyou a couple inches and you can trim what yea want.

Nice I can’t wait to hear it speak. 8)

Sorry, I missed this question last night. I don’t know how long I will need it until I mount the PING sensors in all the way. On the other hand, 5" should be plenty. I don’t need all of the 5", but I will need a safe length so that I can have something to hold/clamp for cutting latter on.

no problem

I will try to get at it tonight.

I just talked to my machinist and he has an extra bot head that he can send to me. This is good news. I want to get this thing done right.

lol, im glad your back on track with it, it is a very interesting project. :smiley:

I know most of you people have seen this demonstration before, but for those that have not, I have a new video I did today. I was bored and wanted to mess around with my stuff again.

You will notice at the end of the demonstration it only says “Right”. I have power connection problems, and when the head moves, it tugs on some of the wires causing a very short interuption of power to the speakjet.

I also added a sound track to the video like I always do. :laughing:

I wish i had a cool looking head like that :open_mouth:

very nice! asw always, good job!

looks good as before, btw nice phone :laughing:

Nice phone?

erm, page 10, in the pictures, underneath the board and bot, supporting it maybe? a razor?