Alfred - Home Automation System

Hello There! I had previously worked on JARVIS which could process simple commands by identifying keywords but then I thought why not use some basic machine learning to improve JARVIS and hence ALFRED was born. ALFRED uses php and a mysql database at the backend to do all the real processing. There is an android app that uses Google's speech to text engine to send the commands over to an Arduino over bluetooth. The Arduino then uses an ESP8266 to send a GET request and receives simple text reponses that can later be used to carry out the required tasks. The whole website thing might look tedious but it serves one main purpose, i.e anyone can access the site and with each new user ALFRED becomes more intelligent. The website is nearly complete and I am in the process of training ALFRED. I will keep updating. 

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I look forward to reading

I look forward to reading more about this!


I hope to complete this soon.