Airsoft Turret Project

Hi, this is my airsoft turret that i have been working on for a little bit now. When I first started this project, I wanted to make an object tracking turret using a web cam and RoboRealm. But when I saw OddBot's page on the IR compound eye I thought it would be an easier way of doing it and I could use the turret without having to keep my laptop around.

The original idea was to have the turret just scan side to side and track objects when they get to close while shootiong at them. But while I was waiting for the IR emitters and detectors to come, I decided I would add some other features like controlling it with a wii nunchuck and controlling it with a tv remote. so far I have added the  wii nunchuck and am working on the remote.

I do have the parts for the compound eye but i'm having trouble with figuring out a way to mount them. The problem is that I'm using an ultrasonic sensor to tell the distance of the object from the gun and I can't figure out how to mount the tracking sensor (compound eye) on the barrel without getting in the way of the ultrasonic sensor.


This is the turret when i just got finished making the mount. The turret's base is just the rotating base of a lynxmotion L6 robotic arm i had.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update                                                                                                                                                                                    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have finally gotten the IR tracker and the remote working. It turned out that the whole problem with mounting the eye without getting in the way of the Ping)) sensor didn't matter at all. I ended up taking the Ping)) sensor off because I realized that I could just use the eye to get an approximate distance and the Ping)) sensor was useless. The IR tracker works very well for tracking objects that are up close and people walking by, but I decided that I'm going to add the web cam to follow people farther away afterall.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 12/6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's been a while but I just had to post the photos of the final design.

On the back is the push button to select the mode, the IR remote reciever, the wii nunchuck socket, and the power jack.

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 servos, 4 LEDs, 1 relay to fire gun
  • Control method: Semi-Controlled / Autonomous
  • CPU: RBBB(Really Bare Bones Board), SSC-32
  • Power source: 6v wall adapter
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultrasonic, IR Compound Eye
  • Target environment: Indoors is best

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very very nice dude. You did

Very very nice dude. You did a great job on this!

i was working on one i just

i was working on one i just need to strip my m4 aeg for a gear box

What Gun Is That

The subject asks it all.


Man, I love these projects. Have you seen the one by CowGod that uses the thermopile sensor? If not, you should definitely check it out. Watch the video too XD

Its a "M1A2 Airsoft Barrel

Its a “M1A2 Airsoft Barrel Mechanism” from has some cheap airsoft guns too.

Thermopile would be the way

Thermopile would be the way to go. Is the range on the ping enough for you?

Yes I do think it would be

Yes I do think it would be better to use a thermopile, but those are too expensive for me and yes the ping’s range is good for me.


you should buld a camera on this and a laser pointer sorry for the bad english

I cant believe noone chilled

I cant believe noone chilled this, it made me smile :smiley: Specially the auto lights on, nice!

Best ever.

This reminds me of a sentry gun. Is it an electric fully automatic? If it where C02 that would hurt like BEEP. It would make me :smiley: If you showed a video of it in action shooting somebody. That would be hilarious. Like I said BEST THING EVER!!!


awesome design! i would like to make a simpler version myself! 

where did you get that gun?

where did you get that gun? Great Job 

Thanks, I got the gun from

Thanks, I got the gun from The url for the exact one i got is below but they have many others.

thank you

thank you

I think only whole seller

I think only whole seller has it? otherwise you need to purchase whole tank.

Got one of this gun, there

Got one of this gun, there are 4 wires black, orange as a pair and blue, gray as a pair. Black and orange one is + and -, but not sure what does blue and grey wire does? any idea? 

Well on mine the colors were
Well on mine the colors were different but those wires should go to a switch in the gun that tells when it has fired. This is useful so that you don’t stop the motor at different points in the firing process and so that you can shoot an exact number of shots

I know there’s a switch and

I know there’s a switch and when I have it on it start the motor which just keep shooting. but not sure how to control other 2 extra wire(image below)? Is it like connect to 1 or 2 of digital pin on Arduino or you can set the round of shooting?

Can you tell me where should I connect A and B on arduino? Thanks a lot!!