Adding a Panning Head using Arduino

Hi, My first post…
I am looking for some assistance with adding the code to pan the head on my Hexapod.

I have taken Arcbotic’s Hexy hexapod robot and removed their servo controller board and added a SSC-32U, PS2 Controller and an Arduino Nano.

I’m running “BotBoarduino_CH3R_PS2.ino” code and after modifying the appropriate values in “Hex_Cfg.h” I’m very pleased with robot’s performance and capabilities.

Since the original Hexy came with a panning Head and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor I would like to add at least the panning head feature, nothing fancy just a back and forth motion.

I have looked at the following Forum articles and while they are useful they are not written in Arduino based code? I’m struggling with changing the example code from the forum articles (ie. Serout SSC_OUTPUT ) into Arduino/SSC32U code.
I would certainly appreciate it if anyone has an Arduino based example.

thanks, BrianT

hi Brian.

I have resently started a project and i am running the Arduino MEGA and SSC32U if the code is of interest you can find it on my project page.

It will possibly be worth looking at the code. You have a couple of ways of implementing a servo for a head. One is to add it to work direclty via the body controls or hack in into the PS2. i have both examples of this in the code.

thanks Innerbreed - I will definitely check it out