Absolute Zero - The Mystical Hexapod

Hi guys! ^____^

It’s been quite a while but I just had my last exam today and I’m pleased to announce that I’ve finished my first year at Uni and now comes the 3 months of Robotics madness.
Anyway, I’d like to start off by introducing my latest project; Absolute Zero - The Mystical Hexapod! The reason for it being the ‘mystical’ hexapod is mainly going to be because of the design; I’m going to try to make the major parts (head, body, tail) as fancy as I can so that when they’re 3D printed, they’ll look awesome. :mrgreen: 8)

Now, being unable to resist the temptation to build something, I’ve been doing a few bits and pieces in the evenings and I’ve finalised the idea for Absolute Zero as well as most of the design. The idea has been changed from a biped to hexapod (since I came to my senses and realised there wasn’t any particular reason I was doing a biped which would have been a waste of money, so to speak).
The hexapod will have 4 D.O.F legs and I’m aiming to make it as small as possible - in addition to this, I’m also working on an ATmega2560 (Arduino Mega) board with a friend, not only to cope with the large number of servos (estimated servo count to be 28 (24 for legs; 2 for both front and back panning brackets), but also for being able to take on some sort of TTL Serial Camera for the robot’s vision as well as a couple of other sensors (i.e. IR Sensors, Resistive Force Sensors (for some sort of terrain adaption - I wanted to give it a try since I’ve got the time to play around with it)). :mrgreen:
Primarily, I would just like the camera to take photos when triggered by a specific button being pressed on the remote control as well as at regular intervals (perhaps every 5-10 minutes) but then, I’d like to move onto something along the lines of the camera taking a photo and saving it to a microSD card; the image in then sent over bluetooth to the board in the remote control which then displays it on the on board LCD screen - although at the moment, I’m not entirely sure if it is possible. :confused:
Any thoughts/ideas?

As far as storage goes - I’m planning on having the controller board stored in tail and the battery in the main body; this will hopefully take care of the messy wire situation. ^___^
I’ll upload some designs for the abdomen later today or tomorrow morning at the latest.

Um … that’s pretty much it at the moment - here are some photos of the new brackets/leg for the robot. Enjoy! (^0^)/


P.S. In relation to Red Nova - I have a pretty good updated design but I’m not going to try it out just yet since it’ll require a bit of testing, etc. which would take up the funds for this project but I’ll make sure I get back to it at some point over the holidays. :wink:

Looking forward to seeing it all together.

Just a small update in relation to the tail design:

This is just a rough design of what the general shape/style of the tail will be like (I still need to ‘smooth’ out the surface, etc.) - for the final piece, it’ll be in two parts; the bottom will attach to the panning bracket and have the controller board attached along with some small slots cut in along the sides to allow wires to feed in; the top will be more of a protective shell and will just ‘pop’ into place.
Actually, it’ll probably be better for me to explain it in the form of a picture so see the two images directly below which demonstrate a previous design for the tail - the images below these two are of the updated design idea. :mrgreen:


Hi guys. :mrgreen:

My apologies for the delay in making a post, there was a bit of a mishap with the brackets I ordered and long story short, they arrived this morning. :unamused:
Luckily my mini display turned up and I’ve been having a play around with that along with the joysticks and buttons and the remote control is starting to take shape (as far as code is concerned) although there isn’t anything fancy to show at this moment in time so I’ll make sure I have something for next time. :wink:

I’m also putting the finishing touches on my ATmega2560 (Arduino Mega) board (I’ve got it down to the size of a credit card) so I’ll upload a picture of the design when it’s finished. ^____^
I’ve also been doing a bit of looking around for a camera I can use for the ‘eye’ of the robot and I quite like this one:
(proto-pic.co.uk/linksprite-jpeg- … interface/)

Um … apart from that, I’m afraid it’s been rather quiet although hopefully things will start to pick up now.
I wouldn’t leave you guys without some photos though - Enjoy! (^0^)/


P.S. As you can see, I’m going for ‘Life’ batteries to help reduce the weight and size of the robot and from what I’ve read, the 6.6V should be fine for the Hitec servos and won’t cause any damage.

P.P.S. Also, yes the final robot will be a hexapod but for the time being, I want to get the main parts sorted (i.e. the PCB, camera, etc.) and then I’ll add in the middle two legs at the end. ^____^


I have been silently watching your progress. Love the custom brackets. Look forward to seeing it fully assembled.
What plans do you have for the body?

For the time being, I’m going to go for a nice pair of laser cut Acrylic plates with a couple of ‘restraints’ to hold the batteries in place (it’ll be clearer once they’ve arrived and I’ve put it all together :laughing: ). I’m planning on migrating to a 3D printed ‘shell’ at some point but that won’t be until I’ve got the tail and head done - working on the designs for those currently whilst waiting for some other brackets/PCBs to arrive (I’ll upload the PCB design in a little while). :mrgreen:

Hi again guys! ^___^

Just a quick update for the ATmega2560 PCB along with my attempts at annotation (broken down into individual layers). :mrgreen:

Pretty much everything on the top face is just breaking out the pins into headers.
The thicker lines are just for connecting power to header pins on the other side of the board (thick top line) or connecting grounds together (smaller one below). See the final picture to get a better idea of the connections. ^___^

This mainly consists of power connection for the servos/sensors. Just a couple of notes:
R1 = Current limiting resistor for LED.
R2 = Pull-up resistor for reset button.
C1 & C2 = Capacitors for the 5V regulator.
Crystal/Res. = Allows the user to choose between a crystal or resonator.
C3 & C4 = Capacitors for the crystal (if chosen).
T1 = Terminal block for connecting power.
T2 = Terminal block for on/off switch.
The 2x3 header next to C3 & C4 is the ISP header.

Here are both faces together - it gives you a better look at what certain connections are doing as well as the board as a whole, although it does look rather messy. ^___^

Oh, and for the sake of clarification - Green is the top face; Red is the bottom face and Blue is both faces (i.e. the blue pads will be on the top and bottom).
I’m going for the PTH (Plated Through Hole) option so it saves a lot of effort when it comes to soldering the headers connected to the chip’s pins. In relation to dimensions, the board is 77 x 48.5 mm so about credit card-ish size and for this revision of the board, I’m planning on using a FTDI Adapter to program the board and then move onto a bluetooth serial module at some point (most likely when the board has been hooked up to the robot) to help keep the board as compact as possible. I may add a USB Mini-B connecter along with the required USB-TTL conversion chip for future revisions though. :slight_smile:
I’m going for a solder mask on both sides but that’s all I’m going to say for now - you’re welcome to guess the colour(s) if you’d like. :laughing:

Hm … I think that’s about it at the moment …
I’ll post some photos of the structural updates as the new brackets arrive. ^___^


Where are you getting your PCB’s made.? I have a PBC that i have already paid for and the company is messing me about and so ill be looking for another manufacture…

The place I’m currently using is:
Don’t be fooled by the website; they do a really good job and are really helpful. :mrgreen:
You might also want to try:

These two are the nicest (and cheapest :laughing: ) U.K based ones I’ve found. ^____^

I have done several boards using pcbfabexpress.com and have had good enough luck with them. But they are higher priced then some of the others like you can order from places like sparkfun. The last board I did, I used Bay Area Circuits, which also worked out fine. But again their prices were a bit higher. Why I tried them out is they are setup to directly interface with the Cad program I use (DIPTRACE). You can simply start talking to them directly from the program and you don’t have to create gerber/drill files. But both of these are done out of California, which for me is only a few states away…


Good Morning everyone! ^___^

So I’ve got some nice progressive news to share with you guys. :mrgreen:
The body plates arrived yesterday and I started to assemble Absolute Zero (I’m going to start using “|Z|” for shorthand from here onwards) last night and it’s beginning to take shape. At the moment, it’s still in Quadruped Mode but I should be receiving some more servo brackets at some point today so I’ll be able to upgrade it to a Hexapod by tonight fingers crossed but until then, I’ll be having a little play around with the Quad.
Since I haven’t got my new boards yet, I’ll be ‘bustin’ out’ the trusty Bot Board II and I’ll upload the code I’ve been using once I’ve verified it’s working correctly.

Hm …
I don’t believe there’s anything else to add at this specific point … Ah yes, the total mass of |Z| at the moment is 1.05kg so I’m estimating about 1.5-1.75kg for the finished robot. ^___^
As always, here are some photos for you to enjoy as well as a quick video demonstrating some basic walking abilities - I’ve added some annotations to some of the photos too. :wink:


P.S. As you’ll be able to see from the video, there was some slipping/sliding due to the smoothness of the 3D parts and table but that’ll be fixed once I add in some nice tars (hopefully soon). ^____^

The small brackets are the battery ‘restraints’ (there are four in total) and will be attached to the top and bottom plates via 15mm spacers (as seen below).

A close-up of the restraints - as you can see, they do a pretty decent job of keeping everything in place although I didn’t really need them on both the top and bottom plates, but I just felt they looked nicer that way. :laughing:

The bubble wrap beneath the BB2 is just there so that the screw heads don’t come into contact with the underside of the board. ^___^

Also, here’s the code I’m using - I decided to split it up into individual legs so it was more manageable; you’ll see what I mean as you go through it. :laughing:

[code];;; Title: Absolute Zero - Quad-Mode Testing (#1)
;;; Description: Going through basic stances and walking motions to determine the abilities of |Z|.
;;; Last Modified: 19.06.2013

pause 7500

command var byte
xx var byte


command = 1
gosub move
pause 7500

command = 2
for xx = 1 to 10
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 3
for xx = 1 to 10
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 1
gosub move
pause 75000


if(command = 1) then ;(REST/ZERO POSITION)
hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

  elseif(command = 2) ;(WALKING - SIMPLE)
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\3000\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-3000\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\3000\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-3000\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\4500\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\-4500\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\3000\500,p5\4500\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p8\-3000\500,p9\-4500\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\3000\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\-3000\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

  elseif(command = 3) ;(WALKING - FANCY)
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	pause 150
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\4500\500,p2\4500\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\-4500\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\3000\500,p1\4500\500,p2\4500\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-3000\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\-4500\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\3000\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-3000\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 150
	hservo [p0\3000\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-3000\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\4500\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\-4500\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 150
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\4500\500,p6\4500\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\-4500\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\3000\500,p5\4500\500,p6\4500\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p8\-3000\500,p9\-4500\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (LIFTED).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\3000\500,p5\4500\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\-3000\500,p9\-4500\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\3000\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\-3000\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250
	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500,p3\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p4\0\500,p5\0\500,p6\0\500,p7\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p8\0\500,p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500,p15\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.
	pause 250

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;


It’s sort of a mix between the 24DoF T-Hex and a Phoenix.

Good Evening everyone! ^___^

Hahahah yep, that pretty much sums up the layout. :laughing: :mrgreen:

The servo brackets arrived a little while ago so I have now finished putting together |Z| in Hexapod Mode. :smiley:
Unfortunately I won’t be able to program it just yet since I don’t currently possess a controller board with enough I/O ports but I’ll have a go at writing up some code anyway (I’ll just simulate the motion in my head :laughing: ).

Um … things might quiet down a bit since I won’t be able to do any physical work with the robot so I’ll focus on the designs for the head/tail and I’ll keep you guys posted. :mrgreen:

I present to you - Absolute Zero; Hexapod Mode! Enjoy! ^___^


Hi guys! :mrgreen:

My apologies for the delay in making a post but it’s been a pretty slow week and the majority of designs are still more or less sketches. ^___^
On the bright side, the PCBs I ordered have arrived and I think they look pretty nice - I went for a double coloured solder mask (black on the top and blue on the bottom); what do you guys think?

Now that I have a physical board in my possession, I’ll start with the soldering and then I should be able to obtain much more accurate dimensions for the abdomen; although soldering the surface mount chip should make for an interesting experience but I’ve got a few samples of the ATmega2560 so it should hopefully turn out ok. :laughing:

I present to you - The Quasar Board (V.1.0)! (^0^)/


Hi everyone! :mrgreen:

It’s been an incredibly long time since I made any proper updates - sorry about that :blush: (I’ve been incredibly busy :frowning: ).
Thankfully I’m back now so I should be knocking out posts on a fairly regular basis. :wink:

As for updates, I’ve gotten the Hexapod-form of Absolute Zero up and running which is pretty nice and I’d like to introduce my side project - a mini quadruped robot! 8) (I haven’t thought of a name just yet but I’m throwing some things around :slight_smile: ).
I’ll disclose more information on that project in due course but at the moment, I’ll leave you guys with a model I drew up for the ‘basic’ form.

Also, here’s the code I wrote up for |Z| - it’s for the BB2 (since I kinda accidentally ‘destroyed’ the Quasar board I was using :laughing: :blush: ).

[code];;; Title: Absolute Zero - Hexapod-Mode Testing (#1)
;;; Description: Going through basic stances and walking motions to determine the abilities of |Z|.
;;; Last Modified: 16.08.2013

pause 7500

command var byte
xx var byte


command = 1
gosub move
pause 7500

command = 4
for xx = 1 to 5
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 2
for xx = 1 to 10
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 3
for xx = 1 to 10
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 2
for xx = 1 to 10
gosub move
pause 2500

command = 1
gosub move
pause 75000


if(command = 1) then ;(REST/ZERO POSITION)

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

  elseif(command = 2) ;(WALKING - SIMPLE; Tripod Gait)

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\4500\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\2500\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\2500\500,p7\4500\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-2500\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\2500\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\2500\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\-2500\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\4500\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\-4500\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (Lifted).

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\2500\500,p4\4500\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\-2500\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg (Lifted).
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\-2500\500,p18\-4500\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg (Lifted).

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\2500\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\-2500\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\-2500\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

  elseif(command = 3) ;(Turning In Place - LEFT)

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\4500\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\2500\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\2500\500,p7\4500\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\2500\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\2500\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\2500\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\2500\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\2500\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\4500\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\2500\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\2500\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\-4500\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\4500\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\-4500\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\2500\500,p4\4500\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\2500\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\2500\500,p18\-4500\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\2500\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\2500\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\2500\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;

  elseif(command = 4) ;(Marching in place)

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\4500\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\4500\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\-4500\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\0\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\0\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\0\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

	hservo [p0\0\500,p1\0\500,p2\0\500] ; TOP RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p3\0\500,p4\4500\500,p5\0\500] ; MIDDLE RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p6\0\500,p7\0\500,p8\0\500] ; BOTTOM RIGHT Leg.
	hservo [p9\0\500,p10\-4500\500,p11\0\500] ; TOP LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p12\0\500,p13\0\500,p14\0\500] ; MIDDLE LEFT Leg.
	hservo [p15\0\500,p18\-4500\500,p19\0\500] ; BOTTOM LEFT Leg.

	pause 150

; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;


Um, that’s pretty much it really at the moment - stay tuned for updates! ^___^


Nicely done!

Destroyed - how?

Thanks. :mrgreen:

A bit of an embarrassing story really - a wasp flew into my room while I was etching some PCBs and in my feeble attempt to squash it, the board got knocked off a shelf and landed in the solution. :cry: :laughing:
I only realised once I’d caught the wasp - must have been in there for a good few minutes. :frowning:

I’m just waiting on some more chips to arrive so I can assemble another board. ^___^

Hi guys,

Just another quick video demonstrating |Z|’s actions – this one is a combination of the old and new ones because I thought it’d look much nicer with everything bundled together in one video rather than spaced out. ^___^

Enjoy! (^0^)/


love this little guy. thanks for the update.

Although im slightly frustrated while watching the video… let me tell you why…

Having such large surface area in contact with the walking surface doesn’t allow it to walk with full potential.
It needs some kind of single point contact. maybe print off a structure to fit to the bottom of each foot. you can even print in rubber so you could make some nice little rubber sleeves so it has better friction. will walk faster that way.

Keep the updates coming. :wink: