Aarduino computer parts cnc

Hello I am working on a new project which I call computer parts CNC. The basic design calls for three stepper motor driven carriage assemblies from old disk drives that I found laying around. The project’s only expense for me was the three h-bridge chips that I will have to order which are only 15$. My first attempt at this project failed because of the expenses that came with it for all the wood, threaded rod, electronics, and other things that I failed to complete it. This time I was in a mission to cut costs and did so by using salvaged parts from a computer tower I got for 10$ at a garage sail a long tome ago, I took the carriages out of the disk drives and connected the carriages for the x and y assesses together as shown in this picture. 

  • Actuators / output devices: stepper motor
  • Control method: g code
  • CPU: Arduino Mega
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: wall wart
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/aarduino-computer-parts-cnc


Would love to see it in action. Good luck!

**Nice project. **


But I am wondering if the parts would be strong enough for a CNC? What are you planning on milling? 

Actually I may be using the
Actually I may be using the cnc for drawling so the power is not needed also if I decide to miil something it will be a pcb or a pece of fome