A Quadruped Robot

I have seen some great quadruped robots on this site in the past few years and always wanted to build one myself. It became one of the most time-consuming projects I have ever done, including not only a robot, but also a simulator and Android app.





The robot is using twelve HK-15138 Hobbking servos. They are controlled by an Arduino MEGA and powered by a 6.6V 3000mAh LiFePo. There is a bluetooth module for communications and an ultrasonic sensor with a small servo as a sonar.


The frame mostly consists of laser cut acrylic plates connected by metal rods. Joints are made of small ball bearings and nuts. The feet are camera tripod legs with additional rubber for grip. The "eyes" can rotate to scan the environment. Design was done in Sketchup and is inspired by Boston Dynamics' Alphadog.


With the current code, the robot can perform body translation/rotation, send and receive bluetooth commands and walk using a basic sine gait. I am already working on more complex gaits. To make this easier I wrote a small simulator using Processing. This way it is possible to copy and paste Arduino code between the robot and the simulator. I also made an Android app to control the robot via bluetooth.

If you are interested you can check out my blog post for more information:


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/a-quadruped-robot


Just awesome

Could you share the design files?

No 3D printer where :frowning: I’m gona try to build it using Polymorph.



Extremely Impressive

Quite an achievement.  I can’t imagine the hours spent to get that walk working.

I really like the design and

I really like the design and the subtle movements it is capable of. This robot reminds me of the legendary Arceus. (fiction)

nice work. keep it up.

nice work. keep it up.


Thanks, Diogo!

I am going to publish the cad files sometime in the future, the project is still a work in progress.

Thank you! It was a lot of

Thank you! It was a lot of time, but not much compared to what you must have put into your AI droid project.

Thanks, Enigmerald!

Thanks, Enigmerald! Designing the robot is always more fun than programming it.

Very cool. Reminds me of

Very cool. Reminds me of Darpa’s Wildcat, but then much more quiet.

Looks very nice. I can see

Looks very nice. I can see you have lots of room for improving the gaits, it’s lots of fun to experiment with those!

For instance, the order in which you move the legs has large impact on the stability, you can experiment with different orders (there are really only 4 important variations) to find the best one (hint: it’s one of the figure-eight ones). Maybe then you could have a longer stride.

Thank U for this!
This project is really incredible.I am big fan of Boston Dynamics and today I’ve founded your robot.I want to build it!
you give a lot of info but can give code for arduino?i’d like to build and to test then change arduino for my own platform.

Thanks!There is more in


There is more in formation and a link to the part templates on my blog:



The only thing I am not yet releasing is the source code. As I mentioned the project is still a work in progress.

Just have a look at my excel table, it describes exactly what the basic code does.

I read your blog and
I read your blog and mechanics is not problem for me.But I’m new in programming motion robots and i need any code to test robot and to underdstand algorithm.Can you give code for walk and for swing like in videos?

I think that robot can walk faster and may be run - is it real?Is construction allow this?
And it can really work in rough terrain, isn’t it?

Thanks a lot for answer.I use google for two days but have not found your contacts.

I read your blog and
I read your blog and mechanics is not problem for me.But I’m new in programming motion robots and i need any code to test robot and to underdstand algorithm.Can you give code for walk and for swing like in videos? I think that robot can walk faster and may be run - is it real?Is construction allow this? And in video it’s not explained but can robot turn and climb?or only forward slow walking?

And it can really work in rough terrain, isn’t it? Thanks a lot for answer.I use google for two days but have not found your contacts.

My robot is not able to run.

My robot is not able to run. Walking is difficult already. You would need much more expensive servos than what I used.

Turning is possible, but I have not implemented that yet.

** watchout mines next and**


watchout mines next and alot meaner lol jk but mines is def going to make headlines out in my area

keep up the work 

(No subject)
