A fun little project! + extra upgrade!

here is a small project, that I made with my friend ( Stefan )

if you are a real robot builder , you have alrady got all the stuff you´ll need

turn off your speaker if you get tired of the music ( Daft Punk - Around the World )

and now with upgrade to get a better grip = perfect turn then hitting a wall

it will avoid walls using two sensors

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 motors
  • Control method: turn it on
  • CPU: none
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: 2 AA batteries
  • Programming language: none
  • Sensors / input devices: home-made bumper switch
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/a-fun-little-project-extra-upgrade

Waa-Waa-Waa-huh? Why isn’t
Waa-Waa-Waa-huh? Why isn’t your LED frying I thought Leds need resistors?!?!?

sometimes but only if the
sometimes but only if the LED gets more then 3 volt = 2 batteries = 1,5 + 1,5 = 3 volt

Great quick project! Did it

Great quick project! Did it actually touch a wall in the video, it looks like the right wheel has slightly more traction than the left and it likes to do brodies. Impressive video presentation, although I’m partial to TheCowGod’s old show tunes for a sound track. What software did you use for the video editing etc.?

And everything has natural
And everything has natural resistance to it


Wow!! Really cool little
Wow!! Really cool little bot!!
And the video is very instructive!! Nice work :slight_smile:

**thanks **

thanks and no, it didn´t always touch the walls and i knew that too

so i worked on the antenna and sensor and now it works like a dream


Brilliant!Nice invention!

More video / a new video of it actually going, perhaps filmed from a lower point of view would be ace!! Also more pictures, it’s great!

But it’s “sure” not “Shure”… :slight_smile:



you said Shure again when
you said Shure again when its meant to be Sure!!! but any ways good vids

wow smart

very simple and very smart when you were first going to turn it on i thought this better be good but it took off like a speeding bullet love the simplisity i just love it i think i will go to the shop and buy 2 motors just to make this i love it

and for the final time i love it

thanks!! =D
thanks!! =D