A chess playing robotic arm | RobotShop Community

Wow! This DIY robotic arm is clearly more interesting as an opponent than a simple computer.

A chess player and developer in his spare time has tinkered with a Lynxmotion AL5A robotic arm programmed in Python in order to play him for hours on end.

The arm moves the pieces by itself but considers

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/a-chess-playing-robotic-arm

Huh! Its no big deal making a still picture of a robotic hand. There is nothing telling you how it was made.

i want buy,please contact me,thanks

@iosef Roman The arm used is one from Lynxmotion, which can be found here:
At this time we don’t have code to have it play chess though.

Hi, I am also trying to build a chess playing robot, but need some help with this. Is it possible i can contact the person who built this? It would be great help.

@BSBEPQ You can try to send a message to flxfxp on YouTube.