A big one

This is my first robot project. It's a 115cm tall creature powered by an Atom motherboard and a Delphi program under windows. It's remote controlled only by now (trough TCP) I plan to develop automations as soon as I learn how.



Early RobClient screenshot



voice and RSS feeds synthesizer, telepresence, strong arm

  • Actuators / output devices: motors, Servos, Voice
  • Control method: Custom made TCP software, local gamepad
  • CPU: Atom
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 12V 45Ah
  • Programming language: Delphi
  • Sensors / input devices: sonar, compass, voltage, IP cam
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/a-big-one

Great robot!

Nice robot!

where did you get the motors for the wheels from?

First project?

What hapenned to K.I.S.S.?

You must have some sort of mechanical/electronics background to start off with something this big!


Anyhow, nice robot! I’ll be checking for updates.

Thank you for your comments.
Thank you for your comments. The motors are a pair of argentinian made planetary gear motors very similar to these http://www.robotshop.ca/rbban30-banebots-planetary-gearmotor.html. I have to use them at ~35% of power for man walking speed and at that voltage the DC motors are weak. I recommend motors with a larger reduction.

Well, I’m a very experienced
Well, I’m a very experienced software developer, I know a little bit of electronics and PIC programming and nothing about mechanics. But I’m unconscious enough to start a project of this size and learn on the way. Thank you for your comments, I’ll be uploading some videos shortly.

That things awesome. I like
That things awesome. I like the idea of using the atom.

I´m using the intel

I´m using the intel D945GCLF Atom motherboard which consumes about 80W. Its not bad but there is a better one (less power, same processor) look at http://us.kontron.com/products/boards+and+mezzanines/embedded+motherboards/miniitx+motherboards/ktus15mitx++16+plus.html

Show me more!

What does it DO?

I’m bustin’ to see this video!

The strength of the arm has

The strength of the arm has two key points:
1) Power: The robot carries a 45Ah (13Kg!) battery.
2) Money: Ultra high torque servos (24Kg-cm) and a gear box for the shoulder (5:1).
The use of a gear drive pan system (http://www.robotshop.ca/Servocity-SPG800-Gearbox-5m.html) for the shoulder was the best idea I had since my divorce. Not only gives strength to the arm, it also avoids the horrible servo vibration. The tradeoff is speed, of course, but if you don’t plan to use it for perverted things, its ok. (cell phone, sorry) photos: