4wd rover with legs

So then I can use the serial cable to connect to my bot using flowbotic ? Cause I don’t have Bluetooth system for it yet. :frowning: ( broke now)

And should I install all the software to my desktop since it is an older version window run better with the software ?

Thank you all, again, for reading and answer :slight_smile:.

Yes, you can connect your SSC-32 board to your computer with a serial cable. If your computer doesn’t have a serial port, you can use a USB-to-serial adapter like this one:

FlowBotics Studio is should work on most versions of Windows and it is specifically tested on Windows 7 and 8.

Is it possible to connect the motor controller with SSC 32 instead of Botboarduino .

I only found diagram for Botboarduino and motor controller, any recommend source?

Is is the connect the same between the Botboarduino and SSC 32 to the motor controller?

And how do I caculate the proper amount of volte and current to support the whole system ?

Thank you, again.

PS: promise pictures and video will be up tonight :wink:

Of course. If you choose a Sabertooth R/C, you connect it to the SSC-32 the same way you would connect a normal servo motor.

See above - it’s really that easy. The one issue is to remove the power pins from the wires since you don’t need to provide power to the SSC-32.
See step 1: lynxmotion.com/images/html/build123b.htm

Similar, but see step 1 above.

Give us a list of all the components you plan to include and we’ll give you an idea what their power requirements are.

I purchased a flowbotic studio program, however my laptop doesnt have a DVD room, so is that anyway i can provide my code and have a link to download online ?

And one more question,

After I do research online and I found this line

serial.println("#1 P1500 T1000"); to send a command to the SSC 32 to control a servo.

How about a line to control motor (wheels of rover) to run in certain amount of time and speed ?

So as promise, RR robot first look :smiley:

[size=3]So this is the Blueprint.[/size]


However, I had to make some change to my original design.

On the drawing, the front leg suppose to be a dual servos bracket, because original plan the front of RR will be much more heavier due to RR arm will be install to handle future mission.
And the front legs will have knee joints to overcome optical or claiming stair, so it would need a strong base.

After try the large aluminum C , they wont fit with the dual servo bracket. So I have to change down to one. >"<

And here is how the electronic laid out for the Sabertooth

Would you mind take a look for me please, I kind of scare to connect the power >"<.



And there you can see my second challenge, the sabertooth 12 a little bigger than I imagine it ( dam it is huge). So I dont have strong spot for my RR arm now. But I plan to built the arm on the top now.

And here is the Botboarduino connection, please take a look .

Thank you for reading.

PS: I will update with video soon.

And here I am using Visual Sequencer to prove balance concept.

Still have to work on it more.

Will have more update soon.

That really looks like it wants to transform!

A thought: the servo motors in the shoulder have a LOT of weight to lift and may not be powerful enough, especially if you want to climb large objects.

Yeah the weight is one of my most concern. That why right now, RR still in the lap, and I testing it in difference situation using Vsual Sequencer to see what is good and what is bad about the design.

Do you know which part will fit a dual servo bracket?

And did you have a chance to see how the electric connect?

For now, i am not gonna lie, the Botboarduino is one of the best arduino board I am buying so far. I just finish a simple weekend project to make sure the board work. ( I will have video soon. ( using arduino environment)

I completely lost with the flowbotic studio( i think it just so many tools).

I don’t know where to start?

How to int an input and move a servo due to the analog input, ummmm. For some reason I love writing code more… So please help. Example on line not really clear.

You need to use only standard sized Hitec servos (322, 422, 645MG etc) and place them in the same orientation so you can use a standard sized C bracket like the following:
lynxmotion.com/p-400-aluminu … -pack.aspx
lynxmotion.com/p-401-aluminu … -pack.aspx

SSC-32: You have the VL=VS jumper removed (which is good), but you have the Tx and Rx jumpers in place (which means you’re using the computer directly with the SSC-32 rather than with the BBduino).
Sabertooth: Hard to tell based on the images, but keep in mind you need to remove the red wire when you connect the servo cable to the SSC-32 (you don’t need the Sabertooth to power the SSC-32). If that’s what you have connected to Pin 12 and pin 3, that’s good (can see the red wires are removed).
Just ensure you have the DIP switches correctly positioned based on your battery and setup (serial communication?).


Jeffrey will address the questions about the code and FlowBotics Studio.


Let me introduce you with Mr.Lamp. lol

Weekend project. ( sorry he is little aggressive :wink: )

And this actually a largest size C bracket… and when i try to install it, the bracket bend.


And is it because I remove the jumper support the analog pin power. because when I try install the sensor, it was not information send back. However the sketch ( Arduino) was uploading fine, just no result.


So do connect the sensor where I connect where all the servo ? ( that what the user guild had written)

A lot of diagrame online tho, that i would need a analog pin, separate from the servo pin. ummm confusing

This looks really cool! So it’s like a 4WD robot with an active electronic suspension! :wink:

FlowBotics Studio is robotic programming environment that is run on a PC and can control many hardware devices connected to it, such as the SSC-32 board. You can also send serial commands to a BotBoarduino, but you would need to make a program for the BotBoarduino separately and ensure it is compatible.

FlowBotics Studio also comes with some sample projects. One of them is the SSC-32 Sequencer project which can make it really easy to send movement patterns to an SSC-32 board. It does similar things to the Visual Sequencer program, but has a different interface and offers different options. We would recommend starting with this project.

You can connect an input either to one of the analog input pints of the BotBoarduino (like a regular Arduino) or you can also connect it to the SSC-32 board to one of the A/B/C/D inputs.

More information about the SSC-32 can be found at this link. Item 11 describes the input pins, and there are some example analog sensor connections shown in the pictures just a bit below.

With the Sabertooth motor controller, the “P” position output actually represents the speed. P1500 is stopped, P2500 is full speed, and P500 is full speed opposite direction. You can therefore control the speed by varying the P value.

Because of this setup, the “S” and “T” values do not represent the same things. In this case, “S” will actually represent acceleration and “T” will represent the acceleration time.

If you want run a speed for a certain amount of time, you either have to send one “P” command to set the speed and another “P” command (later) to stop the speed, or you can use the General Purpose Sequencer commands of the SSC-32. These are more advanced commands and might require updating your firmware to work.

FlowBotics Studio is available as a downloadable product. If you really need one, we can provide a download link if you send us an ticket with your order number here:

If you have other questions that we might have missed in your messages, please let us know!

We hope this helps and good luck with your continued project!

Hey there, i would prefer the botboarduino take care of the sensor, cause the way my electronic laid out be really hard to reach in connect every time.

I have the same problem all day, and really exhausted. When I wiring every thing and power up.

The red light appear.

Did I forgot any jumper. because it seen like I just dont know which is AnalogPin and which DialogPin.

And also the power. when i unplug my USB cable( this is after i have successes uploading and running the program and I have the 9V battery connected to VL , jumper already move from USB to EXT) and the system stop working. ( we are talking about Mr.Lamp here lol)

And I really need help with the sensor cause that would be the next big part for my project.

Take a look at the following guide for the BotBoarduino:
Section 12 in the diagram are the analog pins (0 to 5), while section 19 (pins 0 to 13) are the digital.
The red LED in section 5 can be turned off by removing the jumper.

You can certainly connect the sensors to the BotBoarduino.

Thank you CBenson >"< I will try it now.

Here is one of my Rookie question now.

Last night I finally hook everything up. Set the baured for the Sarbertooth and power everything ( 3 board, and one battery for servos ( using the SSC 32) and also the sarbertooth have the motor servo ( control by the SSC 32 )



Everything lighting up accept for my luck. Type in the code in Arduino environment.

void setup()

void loop()
Serial.println("#1 P1500 T100");

I have couple more line but that is just the basic. The light in the botboarduino blinking indicate the program is uploaded. But then everything just silent no servo noise no motor noise.

I am not sure what wrong so please help.

PS: and I have to go with the other design cause the servo got super hot only after 5 min usage, after do more research and look at NASA rover design, I found out if the design want to lift its mass off the ground the arm swing direction should be the same with traveling direction.

The reason behind it because when the arm swing the same direction with traveling direction, the servo will have to do the extra work to pull the arm back the same position when the wheel will try to pull it forward.

I had learn a lot from the project. However still feel rookie. >"<

One NASA employee had said in one of there competition, " it is not about how well build your robot are, or how effective, the key of the program is you. Because after brutal process and you still have the love fro Science then that is the key of the competition…" ( I dont really remember word by word, but that was just inspiring)