This looks really cool! So it’s like a 4WD robot with an active electronic suspension!
FlowBotics Studio is robotic programming environment that is run on a PC and can control many hardware devices connected to it, such as the SSC-32 board. You can also send serial commands to a BotBoarduino, but you would need to make a program for the BotBoarduino separately and ensure it is compatible.
FlowBotics Studio also comes with some sample projects. One of them is the SSC-32 Sequencer project which can make it really easy to send movement patterns to an SSC-32 board. It does similar things to the Visual Sequencer program, but has a different interface and offers different options. We would recommend starting with this project.
You can connect an input either to one of the analog input pints of the BotBoarduino (like a regular Arduino) or you can also connect it to the SSC-32 board to one of the A/B/C/D inputs.
More information about the SSC-32 can be found at this link. Item 11 describes the input pins, and there are some example analog sensor connections shown in the pictures just a bit below.
With the Sabertooth motor controller, the “P” position output actually represents the speed. P1500 is stopped, P2500 is full speed, and P500 is full speed opposite direction. You can therefore control the speed by varying the P value.
Because of this setup, the “S” and “T” values do not represent the same things. In this case, “S” will actually represent acceleration and “T” will represent the acceleration time.
If you want run a speed for a certain amount of time, you either have to send one “P” command to set the speed and another “P” command (later) to stop the speed, or you can use the General Purpose Sequencer commands of the SSC-32. These are more advanced commands and might require updating your firmware to work.
FlowBotics Studio is available as a downloadable product. If you really need one, we can provide a download link if you send us an ticket with your order number here:
If you have other questions that we might have missed in your messages, please let us know!
We hope this helps and good luck with your continued project!