3D Scanner

An automated welding fixture is used to weld many different components together to form numerous varying assemblies.
Currently, proximity sensors on the fixture detect presence, orientation, and ensure the part is securely clamped.
This entire fixture goes into the welding environment, which means that the sensors (and sensor wires) also go into this environment.
Because of the welding spatter, heat, and smoke, these sensors fail prematurely.

I am working on a project that would use remote sensing to maintain the same functionality as the current proximity sensors do.
Our application would need a sensor(s) to take a picture of the fixture and parts, then compare the picture to CAD or an existing 3D map of correctly located parts.
This process must occur almost instantaneously once an operator indicates the sensors to do so.


  1. Must accurately locate parts within 5 mm.
  2. Must have capability to sense parts from 2 - 4 feet away.
  3. Must produce image with geometry and/or mesh that can be compared to desired location.
  4. Must be able to set tolerances for parts.Any suggestions on 3D scanner models and software needed to correctly operate scanner with desired end use in mind?

Thank you,

Hi zrscholz,

Image positioning is not an easy task and you need to build your own application to accurately integrate with the other components.
A 3D scanner will not be useful here as it will only capture information but you need a software / coding solution dedicated to your project.

All the best,