Thx Andrew! No sensors for now. I don’t think a full Pi OpenCV would be unreliable to shaky video, but I an ultrasonic sensor probably would work fine. Let me know if you try it.
I really enjoyed the video. You’ve inspired me to finally build a quadruped robot. I think seeing that you were able to do it with the cheapest of servos is what pushed me over the edge. I’ve ordered a bunch of those same servos. I started 3d printing that same design that you’ve used and I’ve had a hard time with some of the servo supports. They just seem too fragile. I’m giving this one a try now, instead:
Hi, Thanks for the comment. I also noticed how fragile looking the servo support looks. Especially the vertical part that takes in two screws. It looks like the screws would just split that plastic in two, but it didn’t for me and everything is still holding up after demoing it to anyone I could rope in.
The other design you shared looks much sturdier, but also has trickier curves and probably take longer to print. It’ll be interesting how well it actually works. I’ll follow you here.