2nd Symet (trimet actually, i guess)

this one is a little ugly:) All the parts for this one were salvaged from different things, nothing purchased, Hence the mismatched caps. the solar cells are from old calculators, and the motor came from a vcr.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/2nd-symet-trimet-actually-i-guess

What’s it do?
What’s a symet?

I understand nothing. Video?
I understand nothing. Video?






Nice, i like the way yours
Nice, i like the way yours looks, i dont have a video for this one, but i am trying to get a video for the first one i made uploaded Fristl, basically though, they "twitch" when the capacitors reach full charge, which gives them sort of a jerky movement every few seconds:)

Have you made many other
Have you made many other BEAM robots Noise0? i’m getting really interested in them, i like the idea of using salvaged materials and no programming to make a robot:)

yep, you can find them in

yep, you can find them in "my robots"


i’ll look right now:)
i’ll look right now:)

The mis-matched caps should
The mis-matched caps should make thge movement more interesting.

is the DaVinci of beam robots.

i like the walker bot you
i like the walker bot you made alot, that one is cool:)