2.4 LCD Touch Screen

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Hi guys,

I just got a touch screen and I am wondering how to use it

 I have no clue where to begin.

I have an arduino uno r3 and the touch creen. I will include a picture.

I have looked through the examples, but I am still confused.

I would just like to use it for the paint program to start. TO just get it running.

I downloading the libaries but was confused by that as well. The one on lady ada says to open cpp file and change something. Thats where I got confused.



Are you guy aware of any youtube videos or walkthroughs that would.help

as a guide. I.was under the assumption I could just plug it.in and upload a sketch.

reference of chipe driver

Hi, If you look at the back of the display you “should” be able to read the name of the chip driving your screen.

But, I eard it’s not always indicated on cheap ones found at ridiculous price… (Adafruit not only have good products, they produce librairies for everyone…)

Then, in the examples sketches of the librairy, in the headers, you should find the same reference (in the middle of a ton of others, uncommented). Uncomment that line, upload and it should work.

Eventually send picture of the back.


Thank you for the tip. How do I uncomment. 

Ho !

A commented line starts by “//” and is displayed in grey in Arduino IDE.

- What is your screen chip ? Can you see something at the back of your shield ? Can you post a picture ?

- Whitch librairy did you try ?

Once again, Adafruit does not only make good products, they make good tutorials, very helpfull :
