This is my new 12-pound class fighting robot for this year's Robot Battles at Dragon*Con. It features a scoop and a lifter/clamper that rotates 360 degrees around the robot's body. The aluminum body and polycarbonate top were waterjet cut by Big Blue Saw.
Painted decoration by my daughter.
Assembly is still in progress (2015-08-26).
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Thanks for the feedback.I’ll
Thanks for the feedback.
I’ll see if I can get some closeups for you.
T-slots and lots of other construction techniques are located here:
T-nuts used with metal

You can see the t-nuts here. They are 10-24 button head screws 1/2" long. I used thread locker to keep the nuts in place. They held up quite well during the competition and I didn't lose a single one.
Here are two videos of Flipper 360 in action:
Here’s some more videos,
Here’s some more videos, this time with Flipper 360 Losing!
By the way, if you’re interested in how I used ball bearings in my previous robot (Jaws) with waterjet cut bearing blocks, check this out: