Teaching Machines To Be Human, And Humans To Live With Machines - https://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminwolff/2024/03/24/teaching-machines-to-be-human-and-humans-to-live-with-machines/?sh=340bfb2e3063

Will robots take our work? A new performance called “Breathless: Catie and the Robot” explores the dignity of human labor and the beauty of dancing with machines.

This is a companion discussion for the article “Teaching Machines To Be Human, And Humans To Live With Machines - https://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminwolff/2024/03/24/teaching-machines-to-be-human-and-humans-to-live-with-machines/?sh=340bfb2e3063” submitted on the community's news feed.
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