A couple interesting submarine launched UAVs, one by Raytheon and another, VOLANS, built by a German company, are featured in this Register article. The Submarine Over the Horizon Organic Capabilities, or SOTHOC, built by Raytheon, is launched out of the waste disposal lock of a sub…
Don't forget that the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International's 11th Annual International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition is taking place this weekend in San Diego, CA. This year's theme is "Underseas 11" and will feature gambling themed tasks, such as grabbing a sack of…
Ah, back home to North Carolina where the tea is sweet (very sweet) and the humidity makes it feel 15 degrees hotter. As promised, I'm here to provide closure to NCSU's journey to San Diego. And, no, we didn't place in the competition. We were so very close - one of the top contenders actually…
Well, it's 10:21 AM. Our first preliminary run starts at 11:00 AM. As of now, two teams have made it through the gate, and two teams haven't showed up. One team, I think the University of Florida, navigated to the acoustic pinger and surfaced. We also have another run tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM.…
It's almost 9PST and I'm standing here blogging pool (amazingly large dive tank?)-side. Our arrival time was pushed up one hour this morning to get teams here in time for some live coverage from a local San Diego TV station. ... Yeh, definitely got up at 5 AM. Mike and I walked into the command/al…