Aldebaran announced recently an update to the very popular Nao. The little robot has now a more robust body, longer curved arms that allow for further reach, an improved motion engine that allows for smoother movements, a cooler head with better heat management, improved speech recognition
Aldebaran's Nao keeps making progress and, as depicted in the video below, was able to register by itself in this year's RobotCup. The video below illustrates a rehearsal of the registration process where Nao introduces himself and presents the required forms.
Nao Close-up Nao keeps making headlines and becoming more and more popular. The little humanoid has been featured on Fox News. As reported by the anchors, University of Hertfordshire is developing the robot's response to human emotions. This aims to create better communication between robots
Kudos to the IEEE Spectrum people for having put together this rather interesting matrix of child-sized humanoid robots. They are classified by appearance (from robotic to freakishly human), and capabilities (from simulating a runny nose to full autonomy). It is good to note that the familiar
Robocup 2010 has started in Singapore. It runs from June 19 to 25. Five hundred teams from 40 different countries are competing at the event. Particularly followed are the soccer tournaments featuring a certain Nao, from French company Aldebaran Robotics. The competition's internet site: htt…