Behold a compilation of highly scientific tests conducted by our highly skilled engineers. These thorough experiments show Roomba, Neato, and other robot vacuums attempting tasks and undergoing tests that will potentially make our human lives more enjoyable. If you ever wondered if your Roomba
At the time of this post, the App Store has been live for just over 12 hours and is the first robot-specific App Store to list applications which are ready to buy! Robot App Store The first available applications are intended for use with the iRobot Roomba Vacuums, one o…
The RobotShop Ultimate Challenge is moving along quickly now; the Roomba 500 series has completed all the tests and its final score is now available. If you recall, the robot vacuums are being scored by 15 different performance tests: how well they pick up debris, how fast they clean, how loud they…
We are proud to announce that RobotShop is the first Canadian retailer to have the latest iRobot Roomba in stock and available for order. The iRobot Roomba 780 has many new features and is waiting for you to order it along with its many fellow robot vacuums. iRobot Roomba 780 What's…
iRobot has been working for some time now on an inexpensive (relatively speaking) military robot that would allow soldiers to explore hard-to-reach areas without risking their lives. You can see the results of their efforts in the video below, the iRobot 110 throwable robot.