Honda has just unveiled its new model of the Asimo humanoid robot: the P4. Careful though, it's not a new version in the literal sense since this model is based on one developed in 2000. The P4 measures 1.60 m in height like the P3 but it has lost weight: from 130 kg to 80 kg. Asimo P4 has 34 …
The National Museum of Sciences and Innovation, Miraikan in Japan, displays several models created by Honda robots. It is a meeting-point for the whole family. Too bad that Japan is not closer to us :-) You will see mainly the highly publicized Asimo in several different positions including a ver…
As we say goodbye to the 200x's and welcome the 201x's it's good to pause a bit and think about the world as it was ten years ago. There was no Wikipedia, no YouTube, internet access was still dialup for a huge portion of the population, and we didn't have a whole heap of really cool robots. To hig…