Chris Grine claims he can draw 3 robots a week for a full year, thereby creating "165 'Bots With Stuff". His whimsical drawings will put a smile on your face and give you a good chuckle. I especially enjoy #006, "a robot with a warm tender heart" and "a robot with a distinct limp". Good wor…
Want a nifty robot illustration while helping a good cause? Check out the Robots and Monsters Project, ... a charitable art project that matches goodwill and charitable giving with custom-made commissioned cartoon and pop art. The project, which chooses a new charity to benefit each quarte…
Everyone's favorite robots+art exhibit, Artbots, has announced it's exhibitors for this years show, to be held in Dublin, Ireland on July 15-17, 2005. 22 exhibits were chosen which encompass 33 different artists from 10 different countries. You can view a full list of exhibitors here. The projects…