Robots and Monsters - Make a Donation Get a Cool Robot Illustration

Posted on 20/10/2008 by wcox in Industry
Tags: Art, charity
Robots and Monsters Charitable Art Project

Want a nifty robot illustration while helping a good cause? Check out the Robots and Monsters Project,

... a charitable art project that matches goodwill and charitable giving with custom-made commissioned cartoon and pop art.

The project, which chooses a new charity to benefit each quarter, allows donors to choose to receive a unique piece of art featuring either a robot or a monster (guess what we'd choose). The project was started by Joe Alterio who also happens to be one of the artists.

You get the original piece of art, 6" x 6", signed, of a robot or monster or both (your choice), as defined by three words you provide, like "Green, tenctale, airplane." or "Tiny, hotdog, blue". An image of one robot or monster is 50 bucks. Your art will be drawn as per your specifications and mailed in a flat mailer to your address.

For you stingy types, you can check out the gallary of amazing drawings on Flickr. I've included some images after the break.

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