The 20 Year Evolution of Honda's ASIMO

Posted on 30/05/2006 by wcox in Industry

This year marks the 20th birthday of our favorite corporate walking robot, the Honda ASIMO. Honda has a great site detailing the development and growth of the project over the years. I, for one, didn't even know they'd been working on it for so long.

Honda has taken up a new challenge in mobility --- the development of a two-legged humanoid robot that can walk.

They started off with just a pair of a legs and teaching it to walk. In four years, by 1990, they'd taught it to dynamically walk at the rate of a human being, followed by the first humanoid debut in 1996 and the P3 in 1997. ASIMO as we know him arrrived in 2000 and is still going strong.

Here's to another 20 years ASIMO! Perhaps you'll be helping me do my yardwork by then. Perhaps.

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