Thank You RobotShop, Thank You Roboticists

Posted on 25/11/2011 by robotshopmascot in Domestic, RobotShop
Tags: Roomba, Turkey
Robot TurkeyRobot Turkey
Today we received a nice heart-warming message from one of our customers, see it below:
I dropped my Roomba a few weeks after I first got it years ago, and broke the IR sensor. (What a newbie - I was holding it by the dustbin). I taped it back on for a few years but eventually it got scraped off and then lost. This month I found your directions on how to disassemble a Roomba (and reassemble it) and I bought a used infrared sensor from you. IT WORKS! It can see again! I can use walls and it can find the dock! Your directions were excellent. The photos were very helpful. I am so happy. It was a nice Thanksgiving evening project and now I am thankful for RobotShop! - BJ, Oakland
We are always happy to know that the documentation we create and the services we offer are helping people out there live better with their robots. If you want to repair your Roomba like BJ, you can find the documents at the Roomba Resource Center. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for always being creative with all your projects, patient when things go wrong, and simply awesome in every possible way. It is thanks to you that RobotShop is still here offering you all the parts, the domestic robots, and the toys you ask for. Thank you customers for making RobotShop your place of choice for buying everything robotic. What are you thankful for in this Thanksgiving? Leave a comment below with your answer.
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