Here's a quick roundup on robot related stuff in the social bookmarking scene (aka, Digg and
- Robot spy plane - Shape-shifting like Odo! Well, not quite. "Small robotic spy-planes have been developed that use shape-shifting
wings to switch from being stable gliders to ultra-manoeuvrable fliers."
"... during flight tests they have been capable of performing three continuous 360° rolls in 1 second."
Apparently, all it can do now is navigate waypoints. The folks working
on it hope to have it autonomously using the enhanced agility sometime
in the near future. There's also video of the plane flying.
- "World's Smallest" RC airplane. Very small. Seriously. Doesn't appear to be very hackable though. Just way too small.
- Fire breathing "robot"
- looks more like a really dangerous statue than anything else. It's
probably on its way to Tokyo by now to cause death and destruction.
- Robot "attacks" Japan prime minister - Seriously folks, have you actually looked at the video??
It looks completely contrived. It turns around and sprays some smoke
towards the guy - but everyone is laughing. Totally planned. On a side
note, it looks like this robot has a paintball weapon of some sort.
- And finally, the crazy Army guy that's building a full sized Mech. '“Growing up, it's every kid’s dream to have
a giant -- I hate to say robot, because it's not, it's a mech -- every
kid’s dream,” says Owens Jr.'
Carlos' website has more information, including videos. It's also been picked up on several other sites.