Roomba serial port control info to be released

Posted on 01/07/2005 by wcox in Industry
Image Update: iRobot is going to relase the "hacking kit" sometime in November

I was flipping through Business 2.0 and came across this about the Roomba:


Ever wish you could dispatch a robot to grab you a beer? That day might soon be here, thanks to an as-yet-unannounced decision by iRobot. In early July the company will post instructions for controlling its Roomba vacuum cleaner via the built-in serial port, so programmers can modify it however they want - from equipping it with a camera to, yes, adding an arm and training it to retrieve brewskis. iRobot hopes the move will foster the development of Roomba accessories - like the ecosystem of add-ons that has sprung up around the iPod - thus driving sales.


 I for one, can't wait for all the hacks that will happen because of this. Also, check out the NEW Roomba Scheduler that you can program to start at a certain time. Think: late at night.


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