Robotics + Internet = RobotShop

Posted on 08/06/2010 by vabry in RobotShop
Here's a video that talks about the main facts and statistics in the world of robotics and the web. It makes us aware of the speed at which technology is evolving in our society and flooding our daily lives. The robotics market is undergoing radical transformation: between now and 2025 it should reach 65 billion dollars per year. And even more surprisingly: 75 % of robotics technologies which will exist in 2025 were not around 10 years ago. Robotics is preparing to change the world. And Robotics + Internet = RobotShop. Since 2003, RobotShop has been selling robots and robotic parts online. Since 2003, RobotShop has been experiencing 65 % growth each year. ( 2000%) In 2010, the RobotShop catalogue contains more than 5000 product references from almost 150 manufacturers.
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