Robotic Spy-Planes to Patrol Europe's Borders

Posted on 04/06/2006 by wcox in Industry
ImageThe European Union has decided it wants to fly fleets of unmanned robotic drones over its borders to cut down on illegal immagration, smuggling, human-trafficking, and terrorism. The vehicles will fly at a height of 2,500 ft and patrol the English Channel and Mediterranean coasts. Belgian already uses such planes to catch illegal dumping in its North Sea. This is all part of a $2 billion dollar program to increase Europe's police force capabilities.

A senior commission official said: "We're convinced that this is a very good way of using military technologies for non-military purposes."

There is no word on which AUV's will be used, but they will probably be something similar to the Predator Drones that the US Military and others use.


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