Robot Catches Your Trash

Posted on 27/07/2012 by carlos-31 in Prototypes, Entertainment
Tags: Trash
Don't you hate standing up to throw that candy wrapper or paper ball to the garbage? It takes a lot of energy to stand up, walk over to the garbage can, and then throw the litter away. If you have a garbage can without a lid, you might be tempted to throw (basketball style) your trash into the can, but if you are a geek that was never good at sports, chances are you'll miss it and probably make a mess.
Robotic Trash CanRobotic Trash Can
Of course, you could bring the trash can closer to you and solve the problem forever, but there has to be a better 21st century solution to this age-old issue. Allow us to introduce the robot trashcan: As shown in the video above, this ingenious robotic project uses a Kinect to track the position of a piece of trash flying though the air and a trash can and strives to position the can so you can never miss. With this contraption, not only you can get rid of your trash in an elegant (and robotic) way, you can also have the satisfaction of never missing a throw. So, what do you think? is this an amazing feat of ingenuity, or pointless overkill? Let us know in the comments.
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