Robosoft Kompaï

Posted on 11/03/2010 by vabry in Domestic
Robot Kompai Robosoft The French company Robosoft has just presented the Kompaï domestic robot in New Orleans to assist the elderly, dependants, or autistic people. Robosoft has more than 25 years of experience in robotics and has been providing solutions since 1985 in various industries, such as transport, cleaning, security, health and research. The development of the Kompaï robot has received the support of the European AAL program and the French National Agency of Research (the DOMEO project). In the video below, shot at the Broca hospital in Paris, we see it answer two questions on the date and the time of day. The man asks it to follow him and go into the kitchen. Then to change the grocery list. When someone doesn't feel well, they can tell Kompaï. Kompaï asks the right questions and can send an email to the doctor if necessary. If you want to be entertained, there's nothing better than asking Kompaï to sing you a song. It even acts as a remote presence robot to speak with the nurse or the doctor on a daily basis. To sum up, this prototype is a nice specimen which lets us glimpse the future of domestic robots and companions for assisting sick or elderly people.
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