Robo-One: the humanoid robot competition in Japan

Posted on 23/03/2010 by vabry in Competitions
Robo One Robo-One is a humanoid robot competition in Japan. It was created in 2002 and has already taken place in other countries including South Korea and the US. The robot participants fight each other as warriors (like fighters of mixed martial arts). The robots are mostly prototypes developed especially for the occasion or are based on familiar models such as Bioloid (Robotis), KHR-1 2 (Kondo Kagaku), Robonova-1 (Hitec) or robots Manoi AT01 and PF01 (Kyosho). This is certainly the future of extreme sports, no danger for the human: The Robo-One rules (English) - PDF version. The official Robo-One site: The most interesting thing at Robo One is watching the videos of the fights: watch all the videos of the fights on Youtube.
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