Predator Drone Successfully Defends Base

Posted on 07/09/2005 by wcox in Industry
ImageThree cheers for the US Army and for robots! recently reported that an unmanned US robotic drone, one of the popular Predators, successfully attacked a group of Iraqui insurgents about to attack a military base in the region. The insurgents were about to launch a morter attack on the base when the Predator spotted them. The AirForce says that 11 of the enemy were killed and 4 were wounded, while the Predator expended 2 Hellfire missiles.

The done was then used to, "track the wounded, who were observed being loaded into two vehicles at one of the mortar sites." They were taken to a hospital where 6 Iraqi's were then arreste by the military.

I, for one, think this is an amazing story, and a definite tribute to what robotic technology can do to protect people. Of course, if this technology found its way into the hands of the wrong folks, we all might be in trouble. Thoughts on the matter?

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