Ugobe seems to be facing a bit of controvery over its
new Pleo toy. Hot off the heels of a big story on Digg about Pleo, came another, even bigger story, about how the dino wasn't all that smart after all. Somone took the two released videos of Pleo and compared then, noting that they were almost identical. Were Pleo's actions scripted? You can see the video and some initial commentary here.
I contacted Ugobe about the problem via PleoBot.com and posted their reply. Apparently both videos were made for DEMO2006 and they were scripted. The real Pleo is still in development and is slated for a Christmas 2006 release.
It's unfortunate for Ugobe that all of this came up. How about helping them out (and me) by going and digging the story about their response.
Stay tuned to PleoBot.com for more info and pics on our loveable not-fake-anymore robot dino pet.